#storm stim

A gif of rain. The overall color is dark blue with yellow highlightsALT
A gif of cherry blossoms waving in the wind.ALT
A gif of a car driving down the road. The perspective is from inside the car looking out the window. The sky is purple.ALT
A gif of a storm happening on a street. The sky is pink and purple, and lightning is flashing.ALT
A symmetric eleven stripe flag. The first through fourth pairs of stripes are a gradient going from dark navy blue to muted navy blue. The fifth pair is pastel pink, and the middle stripe is light pastel pinkALT
A gif of a storm cloud. The sky is purple and pink, and lightning is flashing.ALT
A gif of a car driving by on a rainy street. The street reflects the neon signs around it, causing it to be bright purples, pinks, and blues.ALT
A gif of a fish eye view of cherry blossomsALT
A gif of a wave breaking on a shoreline at night. There is something bioluminescent in the waves, so the waves flash blue.ALT

Chillpillpoeic stimboard!

A gender that feels like the poem “Jessica gives me a chill pill


requested by no one <3

A blue dni banner. The DNI reads “DNI: anti-MOGAI, cringe/flop accounts, Anti kin, 18+/NSFW blogs, Proshippers, Anti mspec gay/lesbians, Anti-endo"ALT