#story missions


So, I apologize for the constant posting of my OC, especially on this blog. I know this blog is meant to write scenarios, which it is, but it’s also mixed with having stuff related to either fandom I write for. But I been wanting to write this down for like the longest. As stated before, I been super into my OC, Kitty, verse for Watch Dogs. I had an idea for another OC in the same universe a while back where what if they were in the game? What would their missions be like? Why not attempt to do it again, but for Kitty? 

I might attempt to do a daily thing in between writing scenarios of posting missions of Kitty if she had her own storyline in the Watch Dogs world. Feel free to give feedback or your thoughts on it. I do try my best to avoid adding any canon characters in. For some odd reason, I am nervous in using canon characters to these kind of things. 

I might also go with the style of how the missions are in the first game. Cause that’s how I can organize all this to my liking.

Story’s Mission:

─ Act I ✦  1/ ???

─ Name: Show Time. 

─ Song Playing: Give it up - Cover by Anna ft. OR3O

─ Location & Date: Unknown & Sometime near the beginning of summer

─ Writ ten Format: Perhaps in the near future

─ Mission Details:

It starts off the story with Kitty talking on the phone with a client. Being a Fixer and all, she has to do some business to get the money she needs, right? Her client strikes a deal with her, ready to pay her deal with a man once she finishes the job. Apparently, this man, Noah Lockheart, is wanted for selling information on some weapons that’s suppose to only be classified between the people who gave him the information. Being the head of security has it’s wonders after all for this man.

Kitty is suppose to be sent in to investigate and see what he is doing exactly. 

The phone call ends where she agrees. Without missing a beat, she locates her target and get on doing her job right off the bat. It doesn’t take long to track down her target, move in on him, and hack her way into his phone. Little does she knows that she is in for a big surprise.

What is this surprise?

There’s more to what meets the eye for these information. These information are not your ordinary information. Supposedly, the group that Noah has connections to only wanted him to know about the information and no one else until the progress is complete. The weapons are advanced and could change the course of combat and security. Unfortunately, Noah had other ideas and decided to sell these ideas for a much bigger company due to large payment coming in. 

Now, this is getting Kitty’s attention. Weapons that she never would have dreamed before. So, she ends up going in, taking her target out, taking the information she needs about the weapons, and calls up her clients. The mission ends where she receives her payment, but her mind is elsewhere.
