#strager things fanfiction


My entry for day 20 of our Christmas Calendar.Find all the information here.

All fandoms are welcome to join!

Summary:Billy and reader celebrate the first Christmas with their baby.

Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.

The air is thick and stuffy and Billy feels like every breath takes twice as much effort. There’s screaming, crying children at every corner, snot-nosed and red-faced and headache-inducing.

If anyone had explained hell to him like this, he would be thoroughly inclined to believe every word of it and yet Billy finds himself here on a Friday afternoon of his own free will.

His eyes wander across the crowd standing in line to meet a fat old man with a fake beard as the mall keeps playing cheesy Christmas songs, everyone looks positively miserable.

A shiver runs down his spine as his mind wanders to another day at another mall. His body still bears the scar and sometimes, when life gets hectic and he gets too in his head, he can still feel the sharp sting going through his chest.

The soft touch of a hand against his arm shakes him from his grim thoughts and as he turns his head, he’s greeted by a comforting calm that always seems to rest in (Y/N)’s eyes.

She knows of his scars too, traces them every night when she rests in his arms, safe and warm. Sometimes she kisses them. “They are part of you,” she says. “ They are a sign of your strength. You survived and that’s something to be proud of. “

He doesn’t see it that way but he tries to. It’s a nice thought. That despite everything, a shitty dad, an absent mother, a possession, and a fucking spike through the chest, he came out alive and — and life seems to be gentle on him these days. It lets him find good things, good people, and keep them.

Maybe all of the hardships and pain have led him here and maybe they are worth it.

“ You excited to meet Santa? “ (Y/N) chuckles and looks up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“ So fucking excited, does my face not show it? “

A tut sounds from the woman behind them in line. “There are children here, watch your language. “

There’s a before Billy and an after. Before he was given a second chance and after. Before Billy would’ve replied with a smartass comment, would’ve picked a fight wherever he saw the chance. Fighting was familiar. It was comforting in a way. If he fought other people, his mind would let off and he didn’t have to deal with fighting his own demons.

After Billy sees no point in it. He will fight if he has to, but more than anything else, he wants peace and quiet and to not deal with more shit than he gets on the regular. So he just nods and murmurs a sorry before throwing a smirk at (Y/N) who reciprocates it back to him. For sure, he thinks, they’ll bitch about this lady together later at home.

“ Can you believe it, “ (Y/N) whispers, softly nudging his side. “ There are children here. “

“ I’ll do you one better, “ Billy replies. “ There’s even babies here. “

His eyes lower to her chest where a pair of blue eyes stare back at him from the face of a red-cheeked, smiley little boy. Eyes the same as his. Smile all gums, the two single teeth he has hidden in the back of his mouth.

“You hear that, Jack?” (Y/N) gasps in mock horror and looks down at the 8-month-old strapped to her chest. “There are babies here.”

The little boy lets out one of his cheerful baby laughs, the one that always sends Billy’s heart soaring. When he was younger, Billy promised himself that if he were to ever have a child, there would be no pain and suffering, no wondering if they were good enough, if their father loved them. Every time he sees his own son laugh or smile or even just breathe, an immense sense of happiness and pride fills him. Like everything good in the world lies in the face of his child.

Exactly a year ago he and (Y/N) were standing at this very place watching overworked and stressed-out parents standing in line to take a picture of their kid sitting on Santa’s lap. She was pregnant then, images of their family just a vision on the horizon. A beautiful dream about to come true.

It’s better than he could’ve ever imagined. For so long, Billy felt like there was no place for him in this world. Like all he could do was drift from one disappointment to the next. Heartache to heartache. Trying to stay afloat when anger and pain kept pulling him under. Kept trying to drown him.

Now, he thinks, he is exactly where he’s supposed to be. Maybe if nothing else, he’s meant to be a dad.

Even if he hates the music, the crowds, the other snot-nosed brutes. He loves his son, he loves his girlfriend, he loves spending time with them, making memories with them.

His son deserves to get the life he never had and if that includes cheesy overpriced Mall Santa pictures, Billy would gladly suffer through it with a smile on his face.

“Welcome to Santa’s Workshop. Santa is ready to see you now, what’s this little one’s name?” an overly friendly teenage girl greets them, the bells on her hat and slippers ringing with every move she makes, quickly catching the baby’s attention.

“This is Jack,” (Y/N) answers and takes him from the carrier, holding him up in her arms now.

“Oh hi Jack, are you excited to see Santa?” The teen asks, her voice raised up to a squeaky cheer.

And while Billy doesn’t go looking for trouble anymore and tends to walk away from confrontation these days, he’s still a sarcastic little fuck with a mouth too quick of this brain.

“Eh, we mostly brought him to take the picture of us.” He replies and shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly, earning him a chuckle and a nudge to his side from (Y/N) and a questioning look from the Christmas elf, clearly signaling him that his joke didn’t land with her.

A few seconds later they are led over to meet Santa. The big man sits on a huge red suede chair with gold trimming. Everything is decked out in tinsel and ribbon and garlands. It’s like Hallmark has thrown up in here.

Billy wants to hate it, he really does. Wants to resent every bit of the commercialized crap they put out for desperate parents to relish in.

And yet, when he looks over at his girlfriend holding their child, his child, and sees her smile and the way it matches the one on the baby’s face, he can’t help but feel an unfamiliar warmth spread through his chest.

Maybe love makes you see things differently. Put a different meaning even to the things you can’t stand.

“Does daddy want to be in the picture too?” The elf questions and shakes Billy from his daydream.

Without a second thought, without even a hint of hesitation, he goes to stand by his girl and his baby to take a picture with Santa. If someone had told him years ago that he’d be here, he would have called them crazy.

Every time someone reminds him of the fact that he is a dad now, his heart grows 3 sizes. If there was ever a title Billy was proud to hold, it’s the title of Dad.

This is never something he particularly wished for, never believed he would ever have this, and yet it’s all he could ever ask for.

Sometimes the most wonderful gifts are those you don’t even ask for.

The tree stands tall and proud in the corner of their living room. It is decked out in lights and tinsel and ornaments.

Looking at it transports Billy back to the past. It reminds him of many Christmas trees much like this one. He remembers his dad going out to get it on December 15, always December 15. Mom and he would stay home and watch a Christmas movie and wait for dad to bring the tree so they could decorate it. He loved their tradition. Maybe because it was one of the only times Neil took part in any happy family activities and there was no screaming and throwing plates. Maybe because his mom seemed genuinely at peace then.

Well that went to shit faster than he can remember

When mom left, Neil stopped bothering. There were a few years with no trees and then Susan and Max came along and while with them the trees came back, it was never the same.

This tree in all its kitschy, tinsel-covered glory, brings this feeling of peace and joy back into his heart. Makes him remember the good times.

There’s an ornament on the tree with his mother’s initials on it. She left it behind and for many years it had been stuffed into a box and left in the basement. That was until Billy moved out. It’s one of the few things he owns that belonged to his mom, and while his heart will forever hold some resentment towards her for leaving him behind, she was still his mother and there were good times. Good times he finally wants to remember again.

“He loves the tree,” (Y/N) exclaims as Billy rounds the corner and sits down on the floor next to her and their son. “He’s mesmerized by the lights.”

Billy hands her the mug of hot chocolate before taking a sip of his coffee. No milk but several spoons of sugar. She always makes fun of him for it. He says he likes it sweet, just like his women. It makes her laugh and blush so he’ll never stop saying it.

“You think it’s time for presents?” Billy asks and though their little one has no concept of what that means, he can see the sparkling of excitement and euphoria in (Y/N)’s eyes.

“You ready to see what Santa brought you?” (Y/N) directs the question and the baby who only looks back at his mom with a smile, all gums, no idea what any of her words mean but glad to be involved.

He loves ripping the paper off of the packages and soon enough the 3 of them are surrounded by an ocean of colors and patterns. Swallowed by a wave of wrapping paper.

Billy knows what’s in each of the boxes. When (Y/N) told him she was pregnant he promised himself he’d be that kind of dad. The one who’s involved. The one who knows what their kid is getting for Christmas, who helps buy and wrap the gifts.

“Should’ve just gotten him some rolls of wrapping paper and bows,” (Y/N) jokes once the baby has unwrapped all of the boxes and resorted to playing with the ribbon. They don’t have a lot when it comes to finances. Billy works as a mechanic while (Y/N) splits her time between being a mom and a waitress. Nevertheless, they tried to put as much money aside to make this first Christmas a special one, even if their kid doesn’t know the value of any of these gifts, they do and it is as much for them as it is for Jack.

“You did good. I think he’ll love the toys once he’s done staring at the tree.”

Billy knows that while he’s very vocal about his insecurities when it comes to being a dad,  she keeps her fears about being a mom safely hidden inside her chest. They only break out every once in a while. So he tries to take every chance he gets to reassure her of the phenomenal job she’s doing.

“Thank you, baby” she replies and places a soft kiss on his lips. She tastes like hot chocolate and warmth. “I know we said no gifts but uh - I got you a little something”

She pulls a small box from under the tree, cheeks blushed from her confession.

“Well that’s good cause I got something for you too,” he replies and holds out a gift to her in exchange.

“Billy,”she gasps as she pulls the wooden frame from the paper. “I love this!”

It’s a photograph of them 3 at a garden party one of their friends invited them to earlier in the year. Jack is but a few months old, bucket hat and baby sunglasses perched on his head. His parents smiling at each other. Its love captured in a photograph.

“We don’t have a lot of family photos around. Thought maybe we should start. ”

“I love that. I really really do, Billy. And I love you! ”

She grants him another kiss before it’s his turn to unwrap the present.

At first, he’s not even sure what he’s looking at and then he turns it around. It’s a shiny blue Christmas ornament with his initials written on it in delicate calligraphy and the words “world’s best dad” on the other.

“I know you don’t like to talk about it but I see how much your mom’s ornament means to you so I thought maybe you’d like one for you. And you deserve it. You are the world’s best dad - and the world’s best boyfriend.”

It feels like he imagines being struck by lightning feels like. But in a good way. Like a switch has been flipped. Like suddenly everything falls into place right before his very eyes.

This is where he belongs. Where he’s meant to be. If all the hardship and pain have brought him here, he’d live through it all over again.

His next words aren’t planned. He hasn’t thought much about it. He wonders if she has. If so, she hasn’t mentioned it. But it feels right. It feels perfect.

Jack holds in his tiny hands a thin piece of ribbon, shiny and red and perfect.

“Can I have that,” Billy asks the baby, prying the ribbon away from his hands and replacing it with another piece of paper for him to rip up.

“What are you doing?” (Y/N) asks as Billy lifts himself up to one knee.

“I love you. I have loved you from the moment we met. I love you even more since you’ve given me the best present I could’ve ever received. Our baby. You made me a dad and you made me find my place in this world when I felt lost. I’m meant to be here with you and Jack. I’m sorry I don’t have a ring but I’ll get you one, I promise. Will you let me upgrade from best boyfriend to best husband? Will you marry me?”

She doesn’t say yes, not with words, but she doesn’t have to. She says it in many different ways. In the kisses she places all over his face. In the way she nods her head as their lips are connected. In the smile that takes over her lips when he wraps the ribbon around her ring finger.

There’s love in everything she does. There’s a yes in every little thing.

Sometimes the best Christmas gifts are the ones you didn’t even know you wanted. The ones you didn’t ask for but the ones you’ll never give back for anything in the world.

Sometimes the best Christmas gift is the love you receive from the people you love most and the knowledge that you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
