#stranger things one


Overview: When your parents arrive out the blue, their first impressions of your boyfriend Steve were not what you’d hoped for. (Based off the meeting the parents scene in About Time)

A/N: First Steve imagine WOO!! Hope you guys like it, I’ve written a lot the past few weeks so I’ll be uploading something else in the next couple of days. Keep sending in the request, I’ve been sent some really good ones so far so thank you. 

Like and Reblog :) 


“okay, I have some bad news.”

Steve looked up from his slice of toast, his cheeks bulging slightly and his eyes widening in alarm “you’re dying.” 

You rolled your eyes “no not that bad.”

“Im dying?” Steve’s voice squeaked. 

“No,” You had to break your panic to frown with sarcastic humour  “how would I know that you were dying before you?”

Steve dramatically threw up his arms, crumbs scattering over his t shirt “I don’t pay attention to things, we know this.” 

“no, my parents are in town and they’re coming around.” Now you’d said it out loud the panic resettled and your palms started to sweat violently. 

“Oh god. parents.” Despite you and Steve dating for over a year now, Steve had never met your parents due to them living on the other side of the country. This was a blessing that you had known wouldn’t last forever; your parents were the classic middle class protective type that had scared away boyfriends with their “polite interrogation.” Steve had always said that he’d be prepared for when he’d meet them, but at this moment in time he was wearing boxers and eating toast over the sink because he couldn’t be bothered to wash a plate. “when?”



“They told me and I didn’t tell you because I thought they’d cancel like they normally do and they didn’t” Your panic was starting to match your boyfriends, pushing both of you to a point of uncontrollable hysteria. Your hands started flapping and Steve started to pace backwards and forwards, hands running through his hair.

 “NOW NOW?” 

“NOW now now. So you’ll probably want to put on some pants.”  You both looked, then nodded. As Steve ran next door to find some clothes whilst muttering “okay okay, damn” you started to panic clean the kitchen, shoving any dirty dishes into the sink and filling it up with soapy water and throwing the empty cans of beer from last night into the bin. Your Dad would still comment on the mess. Hopefully he’d be so distracted by that he’d forget about Steve for a moment. 

There was a crash from next door, followed by swearing. You winced “I’m sorry, I’m SO sorry.” “Do they know I exist?” Steve asked.

“Um yeaaa I’ve mentioned something like you but nothing specific,” Steve came out and you sucked in through your teeth, “they’re quite conservative so maybe not those pants.” 

Steve jutted his hip out, looking down at the tight fitted jeans “whats wrong with my pants? You love these pants.” 

“Baby you know I love those, which will mean that my Dad will hate them.” Your conversation was cut off by the loud blaring from the door bell. You both froze. Looking at the door and then back at each other. “Shit.” 

“Just stall them” Steve sprinted next door, and you hear the door to your cupboard being smacked open and clothes being flung onto the floor. You hurried over to the phone connected to the speaker downstairs and said sheepishly “Come on up.”


“Im sorry they don’t like to be kept waiting,” If you weren’t completely panicking you would laugh at the sight of your boyfriend hopping about, one leg stuck in his trousers as he clattered back in.

He was so panicked now he couldn’t do the buttons up on his trousers, so you rushed over to help him.

Steve was trying to keep his head together “Okay um are we living together?”

“Absolutely not!” 

“okay, so avoid the bedroom at all cost. Are we having sex?”

“Umm yea sure,” you did u the last button, straightened up and pointed a finger “but no oral.”

For the first time Steve’s panic broke as he chuckled, shaking his head “I wasn’t going to mention oral.” 

‘okay good, don’t.” You went to move away but Steve took advantage of you being this close and wrapped his arms around your waist, using his palms in the small of your back so you pressed up against him. He smiled “It’s going to be fine.” 

You sighed, resting your head on his chest ‘I know. I Know I know. I just want them to like you.” 

‘well,” your head was titled back so Steve could lean in, the tip of your noses bumping “I’m completely in love with their daughter so that’s one thing we have in common.” He kissed you softly, your body caving in as you allowed your weight to fall into his chest and hips. The sweetness of jam lingered on his lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck, pressing into each other tighter as the adrenaline from your joint nerves thundered through your brains. You broke away, smiled, then, gently moved a part of his newly styled hair out of its shape so it fell loose on his forehead. “You’re good.” 

‘And if in doubt, I’ll just talk about oral with your Dad.”


“I’m joking I’m joking.” You went to speak but there were three harsh knocks on the front door. Steve sighed, trying to push his nerves out. ‘Okay. It’s time.” 

He allowed you to straighten the collar of his shirt, pulled you in once more for a quick kiss, then came with you to the front door, where you pulled it open to your parents. 

“Mom, Dad!” You smiled, pulling them both in for a hug and kissing them on the cheek. Your parents asked how you were, commented on how beautiful you were, before your Father noticed Steve awkwardly standing behind you. Face slacking, he nudged your Mom and walked around you, eyeing him up. “And you are?’ 

“ah Dad,” you moved to stand by Steve, trying not to stutter “This is-“

“Steve Harrington.” Steve held his hand out, shaking your Dad’s hand with confidence that instantly made him ten times for attractive to you “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” 

“Steve,” Your Dad nodded. “Y/N, I didn’t know you had a roommate.” 

“He’s not my roommate, he’s my boyfriend.” 

‘Boyfriend?” your Mom’s eyebrows shut up in surprise, and you could see the judging stare overtake your Dad’s face “boyfriend?” 

“Yea,” Steve’s confidence had gone “but defiantly no Oral.” 

You turned to look at him, eyes widened in alarmed anger, just as Your Mother stifled a chuckle. This wasn’t exactly the first impression that you hoped for. 
