#students union


Well, Tumblr, it’s with a heavy heart that we’re here to announce that we’re leaving. 

Please don’t fret - we’re all over the Internet elsewhere! You can find us:

On our Instagram

On our Twitter

On our Facebook

On our website

We may delete the rest of this blog at a later date, but you can find our archive here! Our ask and submit functions will be turned off.

It’s been grand, but we hope to see you on our other platforms soon!

Hello everyone, 

I know it has been a while since we posted everything, but Rachel and I (the Officers at Swansea University Students’ Union) have made a promise that we will be as transparent as possible in all we do as our time as elected officials at SUSU.

So everything we do, all campaigns we organise, all meetings we attend and all events we organise will be put up here for all to see!!

You can also of course use the ‘Ask Anonymously’ box to ask us any questions whether you have a Tumblr account or not.

And finally both Rachel and I’s email adresses are in the description, if you want to ask something privately or report an incident of homophobia in Swansea then please use these channels.


Phil x
