#studio ghibli cosplay

“Oh, no thank you, if you please, sir,” Sophie stammered. “I-I’m on my way to see my sister.”“Then b

“Oh, no thank you, if you please, sir,” Sophie stammered. “I-I’m on my way to see my sister.”

“Then by all means do so,” laughed this advanced young man. “Who am I to keep a pretty lady from her sister? Would you like me to go with you, since you seem so scared?”

@underthenerdhood as Sophie // @tarteauxfraises as Howl
shadowsnstuff on photography

special thanks to @neptunes-booty for Howl’s coat and @underthenerdhood for Howl’s shirt!!

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Porco Rosso : irljoeboydisabledMy friend that I came to the con with, I told him that Porco Rosso wa

Porco Rosso : irljoeboydisabled

My friend that I came to the con with, I told him that Porco Rosso wasn’t the most popular Studio Ghibli film. So my friend decided to count how many people would recognize my costume, I think it was like 20 people recognized my costume. Porco Rosso is a fun witty hero, he has the same round body type as me, and his costume is fairly simple. 

I first discovered cosplay when I was like in high school, you know just through YouTube and stuff. But I didn’t start cosplaying until I started working with my co-workers Graceknight and Cassamiro Cosplay. They invited me to go to conventions with them. And told me they both cosplay. And since I had my own job, I had my own money. So I started to buy some cosplays.

All the people that I have meet at conventions through my cosplays and just being a visitor have been super nice and friendly. Like I’ve made so many friendships, I honestly love it. I’ve been to four cons and they have been unforgettable! The only “bad” (kind of bad) side of going to a con is just buying so much cool stuff. I love supporting the amazing artists I meet at the conventions.

I love how much the Cosplay and Convention community has grown in New Mexico. I’ve been living in New Mexico for like my whole life and there are so many conventions to go to now, it’s crazy! Oh yeah and I would really like to shine a light on the fact that Cosplay Contests at conventions should be more handicap friendly, all I’m basically asking is to have a ramp to go on to the stage that the Cosplay Contests are being held.


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