#stuffed animal clothing


Coneja’s person first wrote to me back in August.  She was concerned that the Bunny needed to be replaced from the neck down.  Here are her diagnosis photos:

As you can see, her legs, arms and torso were made from the same very thin fabric as her skirt, and over time they just got thinner and thinner.  But her head, hands, and feet were all still sturdy, just a little deflated.

We agreed the best treatment would be to give her a spa, then recover all her clothes in new fabric.  We’d replace the bodice and skirt, but leave the trim as a memory, as it was structural so was ok to keep wearing. 

It took a couple months, but Coneja flew to the hospital in October to begin treatment.  Here she is starting her spa with her bubble bath:

She got restuffed next and of course, got a heart of original stuffing.

I thought those flowers would be nice for her and her person completely agreed: Oh my gosh the heart is perfect ! Thank you so much!

Next up, choosing fabric for her new clothes.  We discussed a couple options.  Flannel was a bit sturdier than her current clothes, but velvet was the next step, and brighter colors, and that’s what her person and I agreed on.  I was going to recover most of the clothes, but replace the skirt.  It was just too thin to hold new fabric.  Here she is bright and sturdy:

Still herself but ready for many more years of hugs!

She flew home and arrived just this week.  Her person wrote:

She just got here! Omg she is actually perfect!!! Thank you so much Beth, you’re incredible !! Even my mom started crying when she saw her!
Thank you so so much!!

Hi all!  I hope you had Happy Thanksgivings and are all staying safe!

As you may’ve guessed, the hospital is pretty full — I think that when the world breaks, people turn to their beloved stuffed companions (who never let us down) and after months at home together, they figure, at least he or she or they can feel better, and then the animal or doll comes to the hospital for a spa and rejuvenation.:-)

In any case, I’ve been saving up stories as usual, and thought I’d start with Paddington’s.  He was here last month for a spa and a new outfit – so I guess he came for a spa and a fitting?  Here’s Paddington’s diagnosis photos:

Not too bad, just a little deflated and with his smile a bit out of sorts.

He began his stay with a bubble bath:

Got a new heart with a bit of original stuffing:

And soon was feeling much better:

So it was time to size him for some new clothes.  Originally, the plan had been a new blue felt coat and yellow hat, a la the books… but then his person decided he should have a red hat, like in the latest movie, and then I thought, velour would work better for his coat, so he could have a proper hood and pockets like in the movie too.  Unfortunately, I haven’t found wood buttons in teddy bear size that are like a traditional Paddington coat buttons, so his are a bit different there, but he’s unique, so he should have something unique to him too, right?

Anyway, here’s Paddington all spiffed up in his new clothes, ready to fly home:

Paddington flew home (to Arizona not London) and his person wrote:

He looks fantastic. Thank you!
