


When you are forcing me to eat more and I’m just thinking that I’m going to explode ‍♀️‍♀️

B day aftermath def ate well;p

Mr alphastuffer b day is tomorrow all he wants is to be stuffed so much he can’t move;p.. just saying ;p

Sponsored stuffingXP keep feeding me like this and ill keep eating like this;p

Met with Stuffedprego from feabie.. Expect future collaboration with her ;p Go check her out if you haven’t. Also heres her YT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOFjCBFzDrSCX2ymp50uEg

Gonna be moving to our new apt tomarrow so excitedXD!!! The stuffings are going to be so much more intense now. We look forward to sharing with yall;p

concept: (soon to be chubby) king and a doting consort.

the king often becoming too wrapped up in paperwork and legal matters to remember when to eat, so of course his loyal, loving consort makes sure there’s always a fresh plate of food on his desk at mealtime. if the king is too busy, they’ll hand feed him, ripping off pieces of thick bread, pushing it past his lips, spooning him bites of rich stew. they make sure the king eats until he’s satisfied and agrees to take a break, to which the consort takes him to have a second dinner together.

pampering their king with decadent desserts in bed, refreshing wine during hot baths, the sweetest fruits hand delivered to them during meetings. everyone can see how well the king’s consort is taking care of him, with his hidden jawline and softening figure, no longer jagged lines and hard muscle. he’s more peaceful, more at ease now that he has them by his side.

the consort tending to their king after feasts, sending him teasing glances during the meal, urging him to try this or that, piling his plate high and giving him an encouraging pat to the thigh as he works through his load. taking him back to their shared chambers and stripping him of the tight garments he’s wearing, massaging away any aches in his belly.

tis the season to gain weight.

that diet of yours was going great back in….september? you were slim, down 30 pounds, and look what happened to you. october came around and you told yourself you could have just one cheat day, right? except one led to two which led to three and then you swore you’d get back on your diet after halloween, a couple pounds could be shed quick.

but then november hit and you kept making excuses on why you weren’t going to the gym as often, why you slept in through your usual morning runs and ate a late breakfast instead. you said once you had all the shopping done for thanksgiving you’d hit the treadmill, but then you couldn’t stop sampling all the desserts you made and then wonder why those jeans you bought back in august won’t zip up anymore.

at the beginning of december you decided it was finally time to get back on track with your diet, except you couldn’t run down the block without having to stop for air, and that’s if you could even manage to get your running outfit on. so you said you’d go get new exercise clothes, but you didn’t and instead you picked up a cake and decided to treat yourself. and you thought there’s no way anyone could blame you for slacking when all the christmas candy looked so good, and you put everyone to shame at the dinner table on christmas day when you finished off seconds, thirds, and fourths before you started to pant. what did it take, six plate fulls before you couldn’t stand up, pinned under your own fat? and those jeans you swore were saved for your “fat” days didn’t last past your third plate of dessert, but you didn’t care, did you?

now its new years eve and you’ve put back on those thirty pounds you worked so hard to lose, plus 20 pounds extra, for good measure. i wonder how heavy you’ll be this time next year.

soft weight gain is the best.

your partner knowing you’re a little stressed recently so they start baking your favorite treats and bringing them to you when you’re not feeling the best, just to see a smile on your face.

(those sweet treats start to add up, but who’s complaining?)

coming home or waking up to fresh, filling meals because they know you had a hard day and don’t feel like cooking. them always adding just a little more then necessary to your plate, because nothing makes them happier than seeing you full and blissed out in your seat, a sated look on your face.

taking you out for romantic dates at restaurants they know you love and treating you to whatever you feel like, and however much you want. not judging or laughing when you order seconds, then thirds, then a dessert just to top it off. they even hand over their leftovers to you when you scrape the bottom of your plate, grinning because you haven’t look happier than you do right now.

coming up behind you while you’re standing around the house and admiring their work, one hand slowly drifting under your shirt while they press a lazy kiss to your neck. something about your new softness entrances them.

they can’t ever keep their hands to themselves now. during movie night, they lay their head on your soft belly, content to slowly drift off to the lazy sound of your stomach digesting and the occasional crinkle of wrappers as you snack on the candy they had gifted you.

them loving you no matter what size you’re at, and just appreciating you for who you are. they love you in your entirety, and if you gain a little weight? well, that’s just more for them to love.

i want to touch you. i want to run my hands across your belly and your wide hips, and ask how you got so big? i want to watch you squirm and whimper under my touch as i pinch and squeeze every new ounce of fat on your softened body. i want you to met under my touch like warm, gooey chocolate as i hand feed you treats and worship your soft, jiggling belly. by the time i’m done with you, you’ll be so full and so turned on you can’t help but whimper and cry out, begging me to give you the release you need, since you’re so full you cant even sit up to finish the job yourself. i can just imagine what all those extra calories would do to your body, and how much softer you’ll be under my hands next time.

you know the rules. you don’t get to come until i’ve finished all my food. i want you to sit here and watch me eat all this food, unable to touch yourself or get off at all. if you’ve followed my rules, maybe i’ll let you cum by the end of the night. if you decide to break my rules, i won’t let you come and you’ll have to sit and watch me get myself off, and you won’t get to touch, understand? once i’m full and satisfied, i’ll let you use my leg to get off, but you have to wait for me to cum first, okay baby? can you do that? i’d hate to have to cut my stuffing short because you can’t behave. you want me nice and fat don’t you? then sit there and behave like a good little baby.

do you really think i’ve gotten fat? i know i’ve put weight but it’s not that much! just a couple pounds, water weight basically! i know my clothes don’t fit as well anymore, but it’s probably just because of my old washing machine. just because these jeans won’t button anymore doesn’t mean i’ve gotten “too fat.” besides, i always have sweatpants i can wear…even if they’re starting to feel a little tight too…what do you mean, its because i’m overeating? im on a diet! well…im starting a diet tomorrow, but still! i’m not a fucking pig, just because i ate that whole cake, okay? it would’ve been too much of temptation during my diet! so what i had a couple cokes, they’re not that bad for you…besides, it’s not like i don’t have self control around food. i only got two burgers today from mcdonalds as a snack instead of three! i went to taco bell for lunch so i didn’t need to eat that much! and for breakfast i only had one donut from dunkin instead of two. no, i’m not going on a run with you tomorrow, it’s not like i need to or anything. yes, my workout clothes still fit, just because they’re a medium doesn’t mean they won’t fit. sure, i usually wear a 2XL now but that just means they’ll be a little snug, so they won’t fall off. i could lose it if i wanted, but it’s not even that much, so why would i bother wasting time running when i could be eating? keep telling yourself that, but i’m not fat….

aw, you’re full? that’s cute. maybe you should’ve thought about that before you went and stuffed your greedy little mouth full of that whole pie i just made. maybe if you had a modicum of self-restraint you wouldn’t be so full now, would you? if you’re so greedy, you’re gonna have to finish these other two pies i made, since you obviously can’t control yourself in front of food. you’re such a fatass, are you seriously drooling right now? does the idea of being so full that you can’t even stand up, literally being pinned to your chair by your own gluttony, get you turned on? you’re gonna eat all this, and you’re gonna like it, i’ll be the judge of when you’re “full.” if you still have room to suck in, you’re not full. maybe next time you’ll think twice before touching what isn’t yours. or maybe you’ll eat it just because you’re that fucking greedy that you can’t help yourself, and you know you’ll just get more food as a punishment, won’t you?

two best friends who help each other gain weight <3

having little study dates where they pick up each others favorite snacks and spend the night studying and stuffing, until they’re full and too sleepy to continue reading

going shopping together and teasing each other when they try on an outfit that just isn’t going to fit, but still trying to make it work anyways. having to help each other button up tight jeans or tuck in shirts, pull up stubborn skirts or unforgiving button-ups.

sending each other pictures of their meals just to make one another jealous over how many calories they’re about to eat, and how much bigger they’re gonna get than the other one.

having little competitions on who is going to gain more weight that month, whoever loses has to buy them a big dinner to commemorate the occasion. helping each other finish off the giant meal, and laughing at each other as they struggle to pull their stuffed selves out of the seats and back to their car

spooky szn is coming up so lets talk about spooky little feedees taking full advantages of all the sweet treats available

- finishing one of those gallon size bags of “fun size” candies. keeping bowls of them around the house so they always have something to snack on as they laze around the house

- baking them sheets of halloween cookies and having them be your personal taste taster. did you leave the cookies in a minute too long? oh well, i guess they’re just gonna have to eat them so they don’t go to waste…

- having to go on a last minute shopping trip for halloween costumes because for some reason their outfit they picked out at the beginning of the month just doesn’t seem to be fitting very well anymore. maybe it was all those pumpkin pies…

not to sound like a broken record but there’s nothing better than someone gaining weight because they’ve escaped a bad situation. someone in a stable environment where they’re able to indulge for the first time in forever? being able to eat to enjoy, instead of eating to survive? showing how much they’re healing through the new softness of their body? good shit.
