#weight gain denial


do you really think i’ve gotten fat? i know i’ve put weight but it’s not that much! just a couple pounds, water weight basically! i know my clothes don’t fit as well anymore, but it’s probably just because of my old washing machine. just because these jeans won’t button anymore doesn’t mean i’ve gotten “too fat.” besides, i always have sweatpants i can wear…even if they’re starting to feel a little tight too…what do you mean, its because i’m overeating? im on a diet! well…im starting a diet tomorrow, but still! i’m not a fucking pig, just because i ate that whole cake, okay? it would’ve been too much of temptation during my diet! so what i had a couple cokes, they’re not that bad for you…besides, it’s not like i don’t have self control around food. i only got two burgers today from mcdonalds as a snack instead of three! i went to taco bell for lunch so i didn’t need to eat that much! and for breakfast i only had one donut from dunkin instead of two. no, i’m not going on a run with you tomorrow, it’s not like i need to or anything. yes, my workout clothes still fit, just because they’re a medium doesn’t mean they won’t fit. sure, i usually wear a 2XL now but that just means they’ll be a little snug, so they won’t fall off. i could lose it if i wanted, but it’s not even that much, so why would i bother wasting time running when i could be eating? keep telling yourself that, but i’m not fat….
