#stupid post

Big thanksYo thank you all! This is literally crazy stupid. Why do I deserve dis. Sorry for lame “sfBig thanksYo thank you all! This is literally crazy stupid. Why do I deserve dis. Sorry for lame “sfBig thanksYo thank you all! This is literally crazy stupid. Why do I deserve dis. Sorry for lame “sf

Big thanks

Yo thank you all! This is literally crazy stupid. Why do I deserve dis. Sorry for lame “sfw” pics. Got some special stuff planned for when I’m at bf’s place again. Sorry if I’m slow with posting :/
Thank you for following!!!


(sorry not sorry for meme. This is gonna make me cringe tomorrow)

Possible peen reveal coming up! Hype

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Wishlist// GO HERE

UK - London; Ireland

Italy - Florence, Rome, Milan

New Zealand

Northern Lights

Seoul, South Korea

Places I’ve been [International] //

China - Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong

Japan - Tokyo

Scandinavia - Stockholm Sweden, Olso Norway, Copenhagen Denmark

France - Paris


Canada - Toronto; Montreal 

Next Trip// Miami!

My boobs started growing back after my ed and now they’re at the stage where wearing a bra is uncomfy and not wearing a bra is uncomfy :(

Thingol may be the tallest elf ever but tall queen Melian babygirlified him and turned him into a short king compared to her . Btw

Nobody asked but my hc for Curufin’s relationship with his wife is that it can basically be summed up by the iconic Megan Thee Stallion line, “put them LEGS on his HEAD now he LOVE TALL WOMEN” <33

Donnie: Raph we must take over the world and I just know how to do it–

Raph: you’ve been watching that rat cartoon show again haven’t you?

Donnie: -dramatic gasp- I would never

S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N: *hovers near Donnie* he would never.

Something silly. My friend and I were wondering what Raph and Donnie’s relation dynamic would be like …. ((We got Bteam and Disaster Twins)) I then suggested…. Pinky and the Brain. It’s 230 am don’t @ me.

Also I was thinking about leo saying the last line but he totally would rat out Donnie.

Look at how happy my sweet boy is. He’s so cute and to precious for this cruel unfeeling world.

 Throwback to that time during the pandemic where i decided to breed snails and found out they fight

Throwback to that time during the pandemic where i decided to breed snails and found out they fight in order to choose which sex they’re gonna be during the act

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