#stupid posts

bc i can never do anything the simple way, i’m making face structure traces for the characters

bc i can never do anything the simple way, i’m making face structure traces for the characters before i officially start drawing them (i haven’t properly drawn in years, so i need traces. they are taken from my own mock-ups, not traced from someone else’s work.) also i should just make this into a manga/graphic novel but i literally don’t have the capacity to do that quite yet. just know i’m working on the b/ack but/er au, and that i’m drawing the characters as i see them

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whoops hi my apologies it’s been awhile D:

“Reason to Fight” in a Nutshell:

Rio: Dice your leader hurt my very dear friend. I don’t think we should hang out this weekend

Dice: ehhh…I’m sure its fine. Do you want me to bring beer? I think it’ll go good with what you’re cooking. See you on Sunday!

Jyuto: Muhahaha I’ll make all the puns off of your name. See? I’m a wordsmith-

Gentaro: hey! hey, bunny-cop, look over here!

*Jyuto looks*

Gentaro: B I T C H.

Samatoki: I am hurt. I am angry. Everything about the last 4 years was a lie? Another friend betrayed me?I’m going through a lot rn tbh

Ramuda: LOOK A MY BEAUTIFUL POSSE!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! CROPS:watered, SKIN: flawless, FLING POSSE: amazing and did I mention how in love I am with them? Sorry I can’t hear you,Samatoki, over my happiness with my posse!!

@wormstacheangel​ and I suddenly have a supernatural/friends crossover that somehow makes sense and it is based on a single ep lmao

think I MIGHT have an idea for a drawing FINALLY, we’ll see how that goes

spoiler alert it has cas in it 

Hi hello I’ve been avoiding jackles ass I MEAN spoilers like the plague
