#sub list


This may be a crap idea, but I’m going to say it anyway….

I don’t have millions of followers, but I have a steady increase and my blog is only down the BDSM theme in all honesty so I am guess they all like that?! So my idea is to make a section on my blog to list-

tumblr Doms and Dommes

tumblr Subs (male and female)

And to maybe separate them into Experienced and New.

Then it will be a way for others to find the people they are looking for! If enough people are interested I’ll make the page up. If not then I’ll scrap the idea!

If you’re interested send me an Ask with the following info…..

tumblr Dom .. Domme .. Sub (m/f)  —-(Say which you are)

Experienced or New   —-(Whatever you’d class yourself as)

Looking for (D / De / Sm / Sf)  —-(Dom/Domme/Submale/Subfemale)

Online Play (yes / no)  —-(I don’t want to be responsible for real meets!)

———— So the non-anon Ask you send will look like this…….

Sub F, New, D, Yes (replaced with your answers)
