#sub midoriya


NSFW Sneak Peak

So I’ve spiraled down the path of Bunny Butt Plug Deku.

And so I wanted to draw something else. 

That’s also porn. (who would have guessed??)

And I came up with this.

It’s not done yet and this is just the first panel type thing

All Characters are aged up

Warning: NSFW(ish), Mommy Kink, GFD(Gentle Femdom)


Lmao Deku in a skirt  


Deku x Reader NSFW

A/N + Summary: Once again, my daydreams are getting the better of my day. So I figured I’d share one of the dirtier ones that’s been on my mind lately. 

Just imagine if One for All caused Deku to experience heat cycles. Then one day, the two of you were out(you’d tried to keep Deku at home, but his desire to save others often trumps out anything else, despite his never ending discomfort), and after a long day of hero work, the two of you had gotten on the train to head home. You knew Deku had been having trouble that day, and the way he clung to you definitely showed it.

Not proofread, sorry

Warnings: Mommy kink(alot of it, srry), sub deku, public sex, ahegao, handjobs on a train, t h i g h

ATR(About the Reader)

Reader is taller than Deku

Reader is a very high ranked hero

Reader is wearing a huge jacket(there’s a reason I promise)

Reader can’t make up her fucking mind

Reader is AFAB


As bluntly as it could be said, the train was awfully slow. It seemed that way, at least. The crowd of people surrounding you and your boyfriend seemed to cause it to go even slower. An awful day for it to slow down, you thought, just as you began to feel Deku grow restless. You could feel his breath against you as he clung to you, face buried in your chest. His breathing was heavy. It was hard for him to distract himself when he was so close to you. Your scent enveloped him, the same scent he’d found himself addicted to, so it was no wonder he couldn’t stop himself from clinging to you. 

“Deku…” you whispered, though he could barely hear you “Deku…! You have to hold it together. I know it’s difficult, but please try and wait until we get home.” After awhile, just when you’d started to give up hope on him even hearing, he answered.

“I-I….I c-can’t…wa-want you…wanna…wanna cum for mommy…” he began to plead, starting to grind himself against your thigh “F-forgive me…I’ve been such a bad…boy today…” your heart squeezed, he must’ve been struggling so much “p-plea-please…forgive me…p-please…”his tongue fell out as he openly panted, growing needy for more friction against his strained cock. “Baby…you know we can’t, we’re heroes! Imagine if someone caught us…!” 

Itwas illegal…as far as you could tell(even for heroes of your status).

Still, you couldn’t help but want to assist him in some way. You looked around, then sighed. Your baby needed help, and you were a hero after all.


And just like that, your thigh lifted up and pressed against his manhood, eliciting an immediate response. Izuku’s mouth opened wide, tongue sticking out as you began gently please him. His lewd expression amplified when he began to desperately rut into your soft flesh, taking your action as a go ahead. His eyes rolled back, and you pressed him against your body in an attempt to hide him.

You just had to go and choose a lover who couldn’t keep his vocals(or facial expressions) in check. Weirdo.

Almost immediately, he began to aggressively rut his crotch against your thigh. His mindless babbling continues of course

“F-fuck, s-s-so good mommy…please…please don’t st-ahHh-!” his face was pressed into your chest once again and(as if on instinct) he began to suck on the flesh that resided there. “S-so good…l-love you mo-mommy….wanna..wanna b-be a good boy for…for you..! Wanna cum…mommy…wanna cum for you…p-please..!”

“Shhh, it’s ok baby, mommy’ll let you cum, but you gotta be good and stay as quiet as possible, kay?” his cock throbbed at the chance of being good for you “Y-yes…I’ll be good..I’ll d-d-do my…mmMmy be-est…!” the boy had reached his high, burying his face in your clothing as his face morphed into the most lewd expression he’d ever made before. Izuku’s cock spurted into his boxers as his hips twitched and rolled against you, riding out his orgasm while he creamed all over himself.

The green haired boy wheezed against your frame, now coming down from an intense high. Possibly, the excitement of getting it on whilst on the train added to the excitement(it definitely did).

You figured you’d helped him calm down, and now he’d be able to wait until the two of you were home. That was, until he began to rut himself against you once more. “D-Deku…!” you whisper cried, this time a little more frantic “Listen, I gave you some leeway before but I’m serious this time! Please, try your best to hold out…!” his rutting continued, followed by many apologies “I’m so-sorry mommy…it won’t- it won’t stop…I-I..I can’t…!” 

At that point, you were far too nervous to let this happen. So you grabbed Izuku’s soft cheeks(the ones on his face, anyway), and gave him a look so serious it almost scared the heat right out of him.

“Listen, Deku,” you said, softening your gaze almost immediately, as if looking into those eyes of his was enough to crack your attempt at a solid exterior “I know this is tough..but we can’t do this here,” even though you just did “you hear me? We can’t.So please…please…try and hold on till we get home..” 

And then he stopped. He tried to at least.

He clutched onto you tighter than ever, holding himself still with a will he never knew he had. He couldn’t disappoint you. He couldn’t upset you. So he stopped.

Until he couldn’t. 

Until it hurt.

Small groans began to escape from him after about five long minutes, and you began to worry. “B-baby…? It’s ok, baby…we’re almost there.”

“I-It hurts…” he whispered. Your heart broke. He was hurting himself to hold out for you. Oh, Izuku. What a lousy hero you were, putting your public image above his needs. Above something about him that he had no control over. No, that was enough of that. Fuck that. Fuck the law.

You loved Deku. You’d do anything for him. You were hishero, after all.

You felt you owed him this much, so with haste, you unzipped your jacket and wrapped it around him. It was huge, so it’d work nicely. “Y-Y/N…? W-what’s…” he inquired, just as you pulled him flush against your thigh once again. “Don’t worry, baby. Just hold on and mommy’ll fix everything.” Izuku gasped, clasping a hand over his mouth as he subconsciously attempted to follow your order to stay quiet. 

It was hot. He was hot. Even moreso when you pulled out his cock and began to stroke it for all it’s worth. The bus was crowded, no one would know. You even considered getting down and sucking him off, but then, how would he stay quiet? As much as he could, anyway. 

You’re hands always felt like heaven to him, so he couldn’t help but cry out for you as you began to pleasure his needy cock.

“M-mommy…th-that’s…n-no..I ca-can’t- I’ll cum- I’ll cum a-again…!” despite his weak protests, the way he mindlessly fucked himself into your hand gave him away. “S-so…so good…Mommy’s so…a-ahHah..g-gonna…go-gonna lose my- m-my mind…so gooood~” He kept his head down so the chatter of the train, mixed with your jacket kept him somewhat quiet. When he gripped onto you, beginning to moan at staccato, you knew he was close. He was gonna cum again, and you knew, but you didn’t care. 

“M-mommy…! I-I can’t t-take it…! I’m gonna cum..! Gonna cum for mommy…gonna be a…a good boy…! Gotta cum…wanna cum…p-please! S-so good! Love you..love you..love m-mommy..!” You felt your heart swell at the honest confession, as well as him bucking into your hand. You watched as Izuku lost himself to you, forgetting about everything but you. 

“I love you, too. Go ahead baby, you’re such a good boy. Cum for mommy, ok?”

And so he did. Pushing his cock back into his hero suit, you used your thigh the rest of the way, assuming he didn’t mind the mess it would cause. You tilted his head up, crashing your lips into his as those beautiful green eyes rolled back once again, eventually closing. Izuku squealed against your lips, drowning in ecstasy until finally, he began to come back down


It moved again. Your thigh. His whimpers began again as well, overstimulated. You wanted to relieve him to the best of your ability. 

You weren’t done.

One more time.

You know,


Like they say in those fighting games. 

Your thigh pushed against him once again, making it much harder for him to control himself. Poor baby hadn’t been able to calm himself down. His hips bucked against you, moans stopping and starting with each thrust. “O-ohHh, f-fuck…mommy…can-can’t..! M-my hips won’t st-stop..! So g-good…a-amaz-zing…” Tongue out, eyes back, full ahegao. At this point, he’d gotten on his tip toes to keep the friction going. And you were right there with him, egging him on.

“Good boy. That’s right. Such a good boy for me, cum lots okay?” 

and he did. 

“M-mommy…can-can’t! I-I…ahHhAh- I-It’s gonna- Oh, fuck.I’m…I’m cumming…I-I’m cumming…cummingcummingcummingcumming…I-I…!” 

And then he was quiet.

And then he broke.

You zipped your jacket up higher, as to cover his head, pressing him against you as hard as possible. He screeched. Screamed. He couldn’t take it. His tongue hung out, and he practically vibrated against you.

It was enough to cause the passengers to look around. Luckily, the only opening on your jacket was the one that allowed for your legs, so most of his sound was directed downwards. And when you looked around all confused as well, the passengers were none the wiser.

despite the obvious buldge in your jacket and probably the light smell of cum but like who cares this is fanfiction and logic doesn’t exist

And then,finally,it was your stop. But Deku wouldn’t move. Then you realized.

He’d passed out!

Luckily you were strong, so you hoisted him up and hurried out, making sure to unzip the top of your jacket so he could breath. You sped home, ignoring fans and trying to lay low.


Izuku’s hair fluffed up when you removed him makeshift bed you’d unknowingly created for him. You laid him gently against the bed, unzipping his hero suit to deal with the first issue. It was revealed to you then. And it was nothing short of…


But alas, not all heroes wear capes. Some wash clothes. So as easily as possible(and without gagging) you peeled the suit off of him. Hurriedly, you took it off and got to wiping your lover down, careful not to wake him. Once that was finished, you went to take care of the suit you ruined. And once that was done, you were done. Except you weren’t.

When you finally got back to your room you realized you also had to clothe Deku. Of course, this would only be the case had you not found him awake and on his stomach, flashing that plump ass toward you. 

“Mommy…?” he called “I love you~” the green hero shook his ass teasingly, peering back at you with those eyes you’d fallen in love with so long ago. 

Whew, boy. Who knew being with the number one hero would be so much work?

Well you were his hero, after all.
