

such a pretty sight;

fandom: genshin impact
characters: diluc raginvindir
pairing: sub!diluc x dom!gn!reader
warnings: nsfw content, mdni. usage of camers/exhibitionism, slight degradation (the usage of “slut” once)
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wc: 1.2k

The shutter of the Kamera in your hands filled the room, the color on Diluc’s cheeks darkening to a shade almost comparable to the fiery red of his hair that was splayed out on the white sheets below the two of you. He hadn’t been keen on the idea of you having photographic evidence of the things the two of you do in the bedroom, but the second the lens was pointing at him, it came naturally to him. Like he was made to be spread out for all to see, for everyone to cherish how prettyhe looked while he was begging for you to touch him more. 

“Please…hng… please. You’ve gone so long without touching me. I can’t handle it anymore, please.” Diluc’s voice was barely above a whisper, causing you to lean in while he spoke to grace your senses with the whininess that filled his tone.

The way he was begging almost got you to cave and set down the Kamera, but there was this twinge in your mind that wanted to torture him even more. You wanted him to unravel before your very eyes like he always did when you were in bed with him. The idea of pictures being taken of him was obviously making him shy, but that wasn’t going to work. Shyness had no place in the bedroom when you were in control.

“Now, pretty boy… is that anyway to ask for what you want?” The smirk on your lips was overly prevalent by the snarky tone to your voice, a tone you knew would just make Diluc crumble.

The way his eyes widened at your words and immediately drooped half closed in a haze of lust had you proving once again, that just the slightest bit of coyness in your tone while speaking to him was enough to almost get him off without a single touch. He let out a heavy breath before he could look back up at you, looking anywhere but your eyes for a brief moment as he mustered up the courage to speak.

“Can you please touch me…? Please. I need you more than anything…” Diluc’s cheeks had already been flushed a faint pink, but as he turned his head to the side to break eye contact with you, the color visibly darkend, “I want … I want you to use me and let me cum.”

Diluc’s voice broke into a soft whisper at his last request, and if you had been any more cruel you would’ve asked him to repeat himself again. But he had already done sowell for you through the evening, that it was time for a reward now. Only he wasn’t aware that you were still going to use the Kamera on him through it all. In fact, you were even going to have him taking the pictures.

With a grin curving up the corners of your lips, you sat the Kamera down next to Diluc, a quick nod of your head acknowledging his request for you to touch him more. Even if he was the weak one for your touch, you were the weak one when it came to his begging; with his pupils blown wide and his lips parted, heavy breaths breaking his speech and causing his voice to hitch, it was nearly impossible to deny him of anythinghe asked for. You were more than happy to just satisfy yourself by hearing him moan your name as you stroked his cock.

Diluc let out a sigh of pleasure past his parted lips when your fingers loosely wrapped around his shaft, thumb teasing the tip of his length to gather the precum that had formed through your teasing and torture. With a soft hum and your head tipped to the side as you curiously examined his features, a soft laugh emitted from your throat as you stilled the movement of your fingers against him.

“You thought I’d give you what you want that easily, darling?” Your words came out as a teasing coo, shaking your head while your free hand headed to the Kamera to nudge it closer to Diluc’s side, “do you expect that I wouldn’t want this on film too? Go ahead, pick it up.”

If you had thought his eyes were wide before, the sound of your request had the look of shock plastered across his features. Shock and borderline denial always looked so good on him, you knew he would eventually settle on acceptance. And in no time, his fingers were grasping for the Kamera you had nudged towards him. After nearly dropping the object a few times, he was finally pointing the lens down towards your hand wrapped around his cock, and you just knew his sculpted torso was in the frame as well.

A quick mumble of praises for Diluc came from you before you started stroking his cock, soft hums falling from your lips were matched with loud moans from Dilucs. Shaky hands were hitting the shutter button the Kamera almost every second, and you thought you’d have to tell him to slow down to preserve film space, but once his mind wrapped around the feeling of your hand moving against him he toned down on the amount of pictures taken. 

“You’re such a good little slut for me, aren’t you?” You whispered out, gazing up at him through your eyelashes, “you’re taking pictures of me stroking your cock like this is what you were made to do…”

Diluc stared you down as you spoke, hips bucking up off the bed with every word you said, encouraging you to speak more with a few extra pictures taken. You knew you were right about him being a natural at this as he looked away from the camera to capture the best angles, his legs shifting on the mattress to spread out his legs more. He liked being on display, clearly.

“I’m gonna… hng…” Diluc was cut off quickly by a loud moan of your name as your pace quickened, back arching off the mattress in response to your touch. He was alwaysso reactive and sensitive.

“Come on, pretty boy, cum for me.” There was an edge of want in your voice. You wanted to see him unravel before you in this situation, you wanted to see him vulnerable enough to cum while he had the thought in his mind that he was on camera.

And that was exactly what he did. His moans were quick to become whines and whimpers, hips rolling as he thrust into your hand after reaching his orgasm. The amount of cum that covered his chest with each pump was the most you had seen out of him in awhile, a reminder that you needed to do this more often and get him to take more breaks from work so hewasn’t so worked up all the time.

Thinking that he was done, he sat the Kamera down next to him as he melted into the mattress. You quickly corrected this behavior and picked up the Kamera off the bed, aiming it to perfectly frame his cum-covered torso.

“This may be the memory I need the most from you, pretty boy…” The click of the shutter just barely opened his closed eyes to look up at you, his cheeks flaring a bright red once again, “how can I let such a pretty sight go to waste?”
