

Of lace and leather.


An Ateez reaction to their s/o buying cute things for them to wear during sex

Request: I would like to request an Ateez reaction to their partner buying them cute-ish clothing (maid dress, stockings, harness, etc) to wear during sex? (This is just me thirsty for maid dress on Seonghwa)

Genre:suggestive, fluff, a bit of angst in Yeosang’s reaction

Word count: 5 907

Warnings: nsfw themes, crossdressing, collars, chokers, etc., implied fem!reader

A/N: This reaction was originally requested on my other blog, @seohwang​. However, as it’s more of an nsfw sub!idol reaction, I’ve decided to put it here instead. Hope you don’t mind, anon! 

A/N 2: Also, not going to lie, this got me so fucking excited, I can’t. I went onto Pinterest for some inspiration and oh god this was so much fun. Thank you for the request ♥


Disclaimer: most of these pictures include very light-skinned and skinny people. I wanted to include some more diverse models, but it seems like Pinterest just doesn’t do that. It’s the same thing as most of these clothes being worn by women, even though this is meant to be about the boys wearing them. Don’t think that these highly edited photos are what I consider to be the standard of how you or anyone should look. Clothes don’t pertain to gender, size, or race.



  • Not to sexualize school girls (because lord knows that’s already been done enough), but Hongjoong would definitely rock the stereotypical school girl-esque outfit and just skirts in general
  • Now, he had definitely thought about trying on a skirt before, but he was too scared of anyone catching him or just “feeling weird”, as he put it
  • So, when you did bring it up one evening, he was a blushing mess
  • In typical Hongjoong fashion, he absolutely denied liking the idea, chuckling nervously as he tried to brush away your questions and change the topic
  • But you knew better than that, and if the way he suddenly got all blushy and fidgety in his seat told you something, it was that he was thinking quite the opposite of what he was telling you
  • And so, you decided to take matters into your own hands and just risk it
  • You even made sure the outfit would fit Hongjoong’s preferences in terms of colors and patterns, hoping it would help you persuade him
  • And my god, when the package finally came a few days later, it was absolutely perfect
  • You couldn’t wait to see him try it on, but you knew better than to just shove it in his face immediately
  • He did seem really embarrassed by your suggestion, after all, and the last thing you wanted was to scare him off even further
  • Which meant that, unfortunately, you’d have to wait just a little bit longer
  • You made sure to properly hide the clothes, putting them away in your  dresser while you waited for a good moment to bring it up again
  • And that moment just so happened to be a romantic, stay-at-home dinner a few days later
  • It was mostly a spur of the moment thing, really
  • Hongjoong had been working insanely hard for a while now, and you wanted to help him ease his mind a bit and show him how much you appreciated all his efforts
  • He was finally approaching the end of his project after countless hours of work, and he couldn’t be happier
  • And also very tired, of course, but still extremely proud and happy about the accomplishment
  • So, when he called you one evening, excitedly telling you about how the last track was finally done and ready to hand in, you couldn’t help but share his happiness
  • And, to make things even nicer for the both of you, you decided to surprise him with his favorite food for dinner, ready for him to eat just as he got home
  • By the end of the night he was beaming, feeling like today couldn’t have gotten any better
  • If only he knew it was just the beginning…
  • You suddenly stood up from your chair, telling him to go to the bedroom as you collected all of the plates and cutlery from the table
  • Albeit a bit confused, he obeyed without a word, making his way into the bedroom
  • There, he sat on the bed, waiting for you to come and join him
  • At last, the door to the bedroom opened again, and in came you
  • You, with a small, mischievous smile on your lips
  • Hongjoong wanted to ask you what all this meant, but before he could even try, you just told him to close his eyes, effectively shutting him up
  • You rummaged through your clothes for a bit, making Hongjoong shuffle nervously on the bed
  • Just as he was about to try to speak up again, you told him he could look now, which he did immediately
  • What he wasn’t prepared for, however, was the sight of a pretty skirt and shirt dangling right in front of him, along with what appeared to be…stockings?
  • “Tada! What do you think?” You asked, watching his big eyes examine the clothes
  • “What do I- well, um, I think it’s nice? I-I’m sure it will look good on you, babe,” he stuttered out, knowing fully well that your intentions were a lot different
  • “Oh, come on now. You know this isn’t for me, don’t you? I know you want to try this as much as I do, Joongie,” you said, making Hongjoong blush
  • You were right
  • Fuck, you were so right
  • You always were, after all
  • “Be good and put this on for me, hm?” You beckoned in a sweet voice while putting the clothes into his lap, helping him hide the obvious tent in his pants
  • Realizing you’d definitely noticed the effect you had on him, he quietly cursed to himself, knowing he had been caught by you yet again
  • After a few seconds of suspenseful silence, he stood up, refusing to meet your gaze as he held the clothes in his hands
  • “…fine,” he muttered, clutching the fabric closer to his chest as he made his way past you and into the bathroom
  • He didn’t even have to look at you to know you were smiling, all too amused by his adorable embarrassment
  • You didn’t want to let him go that easily, however, stopping him mid-walk to press a quick kiss to his temple
  • “There you go, my good boy,” you whispered in his ear, letting him go with a shiver running down his spine


  • He would definitely fit the bunny/kitten maid trope
  • And honestly, I think he would just love the black and white aesthetic in general
  • It was actually mostly his idea, since he was the one to mention it first
  • One night, as you were lying in bed, scrolling on your phones before going to sleep, he turned to you, calling out your name softly
  • You turned to him, giving him a small hum to show him you were listening
  • He would show you his phone screen, making you lift your eyes from your own device 
  • And that’s when you finally registered the dozens of different maid outfits and accessories on the screen, making your cheeks turn red instantly
  • “Do you think any of these would look good on me?” He asked with a sly smile, watching your reaction amusedly
  • “Y-yeah? I think you would look great in them, why?” You managed to get out, still too taken aback by the sudden topic, especially since he brought it up with such an innocent look in his eyes
  • “Nothing, just wondering.”
  • And that was that.
  • Just as fast as it began, the conversation would end there, none of you elaborating further on the topic (aside from your confused chuckle as you turned back to your phone)
  • Until now
  • You stood by the bed in your shared bedroom, the freshly unpacked maid dress splayed out on the sheets, along with a pretty pair of white stockings
  • You smiled to yourself, already loving the mental image of Seonghwa wearing this just for you
  • You could already see the shy, bashful smile on his lips, along with a faint red tint on his cheeks as he would show it off to you
  • With that in mind, you went to the living room where Seonghwa was currently sitting on the couch, watching the TV absentmindedly
  • You called out his name, to which he turned his head to you, greeting you with a warm smile
  • Until he saw what you were holding, that is
  • His jaw dropped in surprise, a dark blush spreading across his cheeks up to the tips of his ears
  • You giggled at his expression, coming closer until you stood right in front of him, proudly showing off the outfit
  • “Look! It’s almost the exact same as the ones you were showing me a few weeks ago!” You exclaimed excitedly, laughing at your boyfriend’s bewildered expression
  • He was at a loss for words, eyes quickly flitting between you and the dress in your hands
  • Yes, he did show you the maid dresses back then, and yes, he did secretly hope you might buy it for him
  • But he never expected you to actually take him up on it
  • After a bit of stuttery questioning about when and why and how you got the outfit for him, you finally managed to persuade him to just shut up and put it on
  • And oh boy, when he did
  • You were sitting in his previous spot on the couch, waiting for what felt like forever
  • But then, at last, there was a squeak of a door opening
  • And out of the bedroom came Seonghwa, looking absolutely breathtaking
  • He shyly stepped out of the bedroom, keeping his eyes lowered on the ground as he approached you
  • His hands stayed by his sides, nervously twirling the hem of the skirt between his fingers
  • You were absolutely beaming at the sight, quickly standing up and walking over to him to get a better look
  • You immediately told him just how amazing he looked, to which he thanked you sheepishly, meeting your gaze for the first time with a cute smile
  • It was quite amusing, really
  • All the confidence and playfulness from before suddenly disappeared, leaving you with a blushy, cute, and absolutely stunningmess of a boyfriend
  • But then you suddenly paused, a grand idea coming to you
  • Excusing yourself, you walked away in a rush, leaving Seonghwa alone and confused in the living room
  • As quickly as you disappeared, though, you reappeared again, this time with a black cat ear headband in hand
  • You hadn’t used it all that much since you’d bought it a few months ago, but that was about to change very soon
  • You reached up to place the headband on his head, the sudden proximity of your bodies making Seonghwa’s breath hitch
  • “There. Now it’s perfect,” you said, smiling as you stepped back to admire the finished outfit
  • “Does it look as good as you’ve hoped it would?” Seonghwa asked, silently hoping to hear more of your praises
  • You just grinned at his obvious attempt, bringing him closer to you by his waist before leaning in for a deep, long kiss
  • “Without a doubt.”


  • He would fucking revelin the soft pastels, oh my god
  • All the pinks, blues, and much more
  • Definitely uses this to make himself feel as soft and small as possible, since that’s not something he can really do in his day-to-day life
  • Would also be one to ask you for this instead of you surprising him
  • He wouldn’t really know how to approach it at first, though, since he wasn’t sure how you would react to it
  • After some careful consideration, however, he would finally bring it up with you
  • What’s the worst that could happen, right?
  • And so, one evening, as the two of you cuddled on the couch, he asked you about it
  • “Hey babe?” He’d softly call out to you, watching your gaze turn to him
  • You hummed in response, pausing the show you were watching to focus on him fully
  • “Do you think we could try something new?” He asked vaguely, hoping you’d catch on
  • But, of course, you didn’t
  • “What do you mean?” You asked back, sitting up to face him properly
  • He couldn’t help but blush, feeling way too shy all of a sudden
  • You didn’t notice the red dusting his cheeks due to the darkness in the room, but you could definitely see the way he started to fidget nervously in his seat
  • “Yunho?” You spoke again, confused by his unusual behavior
  • “I-it’s nothing, really,” he started, mentally cursing himself for stuttering
  • “There’s just this thing that I’m kind of, um, into, and I was wondering if you’d be down to try it as well,” he finally said, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding until now
  • You grinned at that, realizing where the conversation was probably heading
  • “Oh, really now? What is it that you like, baby?” You inquired further, scooching closer to him
  • He tensed at the sudden proximity, knowing there was no way he could back out at this point
  • “Well, it’s just-” he sighed, trying hard to find the right way to phrase this
  • “I just kind of like…dressing cute? If that makes sense?” He replied at last, watching you with wary eyes the whole time
  • You just smiled, resting a hand on his thigh
  • “Cute, huh? Like, in bed?” You pried further, only receiving a meek nod from him, eyes refusing to meet yours
  • You stayed silent for a moment, eyeing Yunho as different images already began flooding your thoughts
  • After all, you couldn’t lie - your interest was absolutely piqued
  • You would have never expected him to be into something like this, so this situation intrigued you quite a bit
  • Yunho, however, took your silence as a bad sign, beginning to internally panic
  • “Uh-um, b-but it’s okay if you don’t want to! Seriously! Let’s just pretend like I never said any-”
  • “Do you have any clothes or outfits in mind that you could show me?” You interrupted his rambling, watching your boyfriend process your words
  • You could see the exact moment they finally clicked in his head as his face suddenly lit up, a wide smile on his lips as he looked at you
  • “Wait, really? You wouldn’t mind trying it out?” He asked, still surprised at your positive response
  • You couldn’t help but smile, watching his eyes sparkle like you had just made his entire week
  • (Spoiler: you most definitely did)
  • “Not at all, hun. I think it would look quite nice on you, actually,” you replied with a squeeze of his thigh
  • “Now come on, let me buy my pretty prince something cute,” you continued, letting out a laugh as he bolted from the couch, frantically searching for his phone to show you everything


  • Okay, I don’t know why, but Yeosang really gives me that dark, red and black but cute vibe, and I have no idea why
  • What I doknow, however, is that it would look absolutely gorgeous on him
  • Anyways-
  • So, uh, this would be a complete accident, actually
  • Well, not the actual buying part, but all the events that had led up to it
  • You see, one evening, you got to go home earlier than usual
  • And, being the amazing significant other you were, you decided to surprise Yeosang instead of just texting him that you were coming
  • You even went ahead and stopped by his favorite bakery not too far away
  • All for your lovely, adorable boyfriend
  • With the pastries in one hand and your bag in the other, you quietly entered the apartment
  • Only to find it completely quiet, much to your surprise
  • Yeosang had to be home, though, since his keys, coat, and everything else were still here
  • Odd.
  • You quietly put away your bag and the food before making your way further into the apartment
  • Maybe he was taking a nap?
  • Or what if he wasn’t feeling well?
  • Either way, the silence filling room was unsettling, to say the least
  • Feeling a bit nervous now, you carefully made your way down the dim hallway, checking all the rooms until you finally reached the bedroom
  • With all the different possibilities racing through your mind, you grabbed the door handle, slowly opening the door
  • But the second you did, you suddenly heard a loud, surprised gasp, making you jump in surprise
  • “D-don’t come in!” You heard Yeosang yell, but it was already too late
  • You were met with the sight of your boyfriend, standing in front of the big mirror on your wall
  • Wearing your clothes
  • Your skirt and t-shirt, to be exact
  • There were more clothes strewn on the bed next to him, all of them different skirts, dresses, and shirts that you owned
  • Your wide eyes flitted between Yeosang, the bed, and the skirt he was currently wearing
  • He looked even more shocked than you (if that was even possible), frozen like a deer in headlights
  • “Yeosang, I- um, I- I didn’t-” you stammered, at a loss for words
  • Of all the directions you expected today to go in, this definitely wasn’t one of them
  • But then a loud, choked back sob made you come out of your trance
  • You looked into Yeosang’s eyes, watching them gloss over with unshed tears as he shakily clutched the skirt in his hands
  • “I- I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so, so sorry,” he let out, voice trembling, “please don’t be mad, just- just let me explain, please.”
  • The desperation in his voice absolutely broke your heart, making you feel like crying as well 
  • Before you knew it, you were rushing over to him, pulling him into your embrace
  • He stayed frozen in your hold, but you could feel his heart beating erratically in his chest
  • “Shh, it’s okay, baby, I’m not mad. Everything’s going to be alright,” you tried to soothe him, patting his back while holding him tightly
  • There were no words to describe the way Yeosang was feeling
  • A mix of utter shock, humiliation, and fear of losing you filled him in a matter of seconds, leaving him absolutely petrified with horrible thoughts racing through his mind
  • He knew he couldn’t hide this from you forever, but just the possibility of you breaking up with him because of this prevented him from ever telling you
  • Your words did eventually click in his head, though
  • “…wait, you’re not upset with me?” He asked, to which you shook your head
  • “I could never be mad at you for something like this,” you spoke softly, petting his head as you pulled away to kiss his cheek
  • “Besides, you look really pretty like this.”
  • Yeosang’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red at your words, watching you eye him up and down
  • “Ah, um, thank you,” he answered in an unusually small voice, making you giggle
  • “You’re welcome. Now come with me, I bought you those macarons you love so much.”
  • .
  • Eventually, you did have to buy Yeosang his own clothes to wear, since most of yours were kind of small on him
  • And as much as you loved how happy he looked wearing them, you didn’t want him to ruin your favorite skirt, lol
  • Besides, this just gave you an excuse to doll up your already beautiful boyfriend however you wanted, and just for you ~


  • Now this one would be one of the few you could actually surprise with the clothes
  • And for a very good reason:
  • He literally never locks his phone around you
  • Now, you can’t really consider this a bad habit, since it’s mostly harmless and he usually just has a game on pause on it or something
  • But then, one time, as you’re watching a movie together and he leaves to go to the bathroom, you notice something…odd, on his phone
  • You didn’t mean to snoop or anything, obviously
  • It’s just that the bright pink glow from the phone caught your eye
  • San had been paying barely any attention to the movie you were watching, so you were admittedly a bit curious about what had kept him so occupied
  • But when you lifted the device to take a closer look, you gasped at the sight
  • From top to bottom, his phone screen was filled with all kinds of chokers, stockings, skirts, and various accessories
  • Not to mention that they were all worn by male models, leaving very little room to doubt who San would want to see these on
  • Before you could explore the website any further, however, you heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, making you jump back into your previous position
  • As San came in, he just gave you a small, unassuming smile, before settling back into his own spot
  • And though you did manage to not get caught, just like San, you weren’t paying any attention to the movie from that point on, too preoccupied with the images you saw on his phone
  • Even as you lay in bed two hours later, your mind was still racing with way too many not-so-innocent thoughts about the different outfits
  • And, of course, how pretty San would look in them
  • In the end, you couldn’t resist
  • On one hand, you wanted to ask San about it, or maybe wait for him to tell you himself
  • But you also just couldn’t let such a golden opportunity to surprise him slip by like this
  • So, you decided to take the initiative yourself and went online to search for some pretty clothes on your own
  • Double-checking all of the sizing and colors to fit San’s body and preferences just right, you finally sent in the order
  • And now, you just had to wait
  • To say it felt long would be a big understatement
  • You were rushing to the door with every text, email, or call that you got, hoping it was the delivery man coming
  • Until finally, on your thirtieth or so try, he arrived, handing you an inconspicuous cardboard box
  • “Sannie, there’s a package for you!” You called down the hallway, listening to the sound of footsteps quickly approaching you
  • Just a few moments later, there he was, eyeing the box in your hands curiously
  • “For me? But I didn’t order anything,” he said, grabbing the package from your hands and carrying it to the living room floor
  • He took a knife from the kitchen before kneeling down next to the box, carefully cutting the seal at the top
  • You sat down next to him, watching him with bated breath
  • Until he suddenly gave you a small frown, which immediately made you nervous 
  • Did he not like what he was seeing? Did you understand everything wrong somehow?
  • But then
  • “…It says here that it’s for you, though,” he muttered, picking up the small ‘Thank you for your purchase’ card at the top
  • You let out the breath you were subconsciously holding, snatching the card from his hand
  • “Ignore that! Just look at the actual package,” you huffed, still calming down from the sudden spike of anxiety just seconds ago
  • He obeyed with a quiet ‘okay’, unwrapping the plastic packaging to peer at the contents inside
  • Suddenly, he let out a gasp, looking at you with wide eyes
  • “Y-Y/N, is this- how?” He asked, completely taken aback
  • “What? Do you not like it?” You asked with a cheesy grin, taking a peek at the clothes yourself just to make sure everything was perfect
  • And, of course, it was
  • Even the cute set of hair clips you bought looked adorable
  • “I- I mean, of course I like it! It’s just…how did you know?” San questioned, a bright blush dusting his cheeks
  • You chuckled, leaning closer to pat his thigh
  • “You know, San, you’re not exactly slick when you leave your phone unlocked right next to me.”
  • You could see him thinking back to all the times he did so, groaning when he remembered the exact moment you meant
  • “Are you serious?! And here I thought I could trust you not to look through my things,” he whined, embarrassed as he realized what images you must have seen that night
  • “I didn’t mean to!” You tried to defend yourself, unable to hide the smile on your lips as you spoke
  • “But hey, if you don’t want to wear this, that’s fi-”
  • Before you could finish your sentence, however, San stood up, taking the clothes with him and marching away
  • “No way! These are mine now, thank you very much. Just wait ‘til you see me in them, you won’t be able to handle it!” He called out behind himself, making you laugh as you followed right after him into the bedroom


  • Ohhh, Mingi definitely strikes me as someone with a very specific taste
  • I feel like red, expensive-looking accessories would really stand out on him
  • But! I can also see him being really into those see-through plastic collars and harnesses, or even the holo ones
  • Basically a middle ground between the classics and out-there things
  • But although he’d like the chokers and collars, I don’t think he’d really enjoy anything too intricate or restrictive, so he’d mostly just stick to the simpler stuff
  • What this also means, however, is that it would be really hard to get Mingi something that would suit his preferences perfectly
  • So, in the end, you’d just leave it up to him and browse different sites together
  • You had just finished getting ready for bed, making your way around the apartment to turn off all the lights and make sure the front door was properly locked
  • At last, you arrived back in your bedroom
  • Only to find Mingi in bed, still wide awake, with his laptop resting in his lap
  • His face was illuminated by the screen, and you could see the way his eyes flickered from one thing to another, completely absorbed in whatever it was he was looking at
  • You cleared your throat, alerting Mingi to your presence
  • “Oh! Hey there, babe. Didn’t see you, sorry,” he said, giving you a small smile before focusing back on the laptop
  • “It’s okay,” you replied before turning off the bedroom lights as well, leaving only the bedside lamp and the glow from Mingi’s screen to light up the room
  • Slipping under the covers, you let out a sigh, happy to finally relax after a long day
  • “Whatcha got there?” You asked, leaning up on your forearms to look at Mingi’s screen
  • Seeing your curiosity, Mingi happily turned the laptop to you, watching with a grin as your eyes widened
  • “What do you think?” He asked teasingly, laughing at the way your cheeks flushed almost immediately
  • “What the- why are you looking at collars of all things in the middle of the night?!” You asked incredulously, sitting up as well now
  • “I don’t know, guess I just felt like it,” he shrugged, “wanna join?”
  • You chuckled at the remark, still in absolute disbelief at the situation
  • Until you realized he was serious
  • “Wait, you mean it?” You asked, surprised
  • “Um, yeah?” Mingi asked back, looking at you as if you were the weird one here
  • A moment of silence passed between the two of you as you processed the situation, Mingi just staring at you the whole time
  • “I mean, why not? Might be fun, I guess,” you finally replied, shuffling closer to him to look at the laptop together
  • “Damn right it will be fun, just look at this one! It’s so pretty, isn’t it? Or this one!” He exclaimed (a bit too loudly, considering the fact it was almost three in the morning), pointing out two collars on the page
  • “You’re shameless, you know that?” You asked with a playful smile, amused by his excitement
  • “Yup,” he replied quite matter-of-factly, “it’s why you love me, after all.”


  • Ohohoho, now THIS ONE
  • Wooyoung would definitely be one of those guys that wear skirts, maid outfits, etc. as a joke on TikTok
  • I mean, he didthink it was just a funny thing to do at first
  • Until he’d find himself lying in your shared bed, on his back, with you kneeling between his legs and ready to devour him whole
  • And suddenly, he realizes it’s not “just a joke” anymore
  • Especially not when you notice the bulge under his pretty skirt, sneaking your way underneath the clothing to touch him
  • He wouldn’t even have the time to protest and pretend like he hadn’t just discovered a new kink of his
  • Before he could say a word against your ministrations, you’d have him whining and whimpering for you, struggling to keep himself together
  • It would be a strange combination of feelings for him
  • On one hand, he was feeling so exposed, having only a flimsy skirt to cover himself with
  • You didn’t even have to take it off to touch him, just slipping your hand underneath to palm at his crotch if you felt like it
  • It felt so vulnerable and exposing, yet he felt completely safe and cozy at the same time
  • The way the knee-high socks wrapped snuggly around his legs, and the comforting feeling of the warm hoodie he could tuck his blushing face into
  • It felt strange, but also incredibly intoxicating
  • Just the perfect combination of cute yet sexy, safe yet vulnerable
  • But what made the whole thing even better for Wooyoung was you
  • The hungry look in your eyes, contrasting with the soft and loving words you whispered into his ear as you gripped his thighs on either side of you
  • Simply put, it was perfect
  • And, despite the embarrassment that caught up to him after you were done with him
  • He knew he wanted- no, neededthis again
  • So, after a week of working up the courage to bring it up again, he’d finally ask you about it
  • He already knew you’d probably be into it as well (judging by the marks he still had on his thighs), so he didn’t have much to worry about, really
  • It didn’t stop him from fumbling over his words at first, though
  • But honestly, if anything, it worked in his favor
  • Because let’s be honest, how could you ever turn down your boyfriend when he was being so adorable about it?
  • Exactly, you can’t
  • And so, the two of you went online, picking out new clothes for Wooyoung that you both thought would look cute on him
  • Before you knew it, two hours had passed, and your shopping cart was packed with all kinds of cute skirts, sweaters, and different accessories
  • Content with all the things you two picked, Wooyoung got up, ready to get his wallet and pay for the order, when you suddenly stopped him
  • Grabbing his wrist gently, you made him turn around again, watching you with curious eyes
  • “What is it?” He asked, stopping in his tracks
  • “Baby, could you bring me my purse, please?” You asked, giving him a small smile as you watched his face contort in confusion
  • “Um, okay, but why? I thought- wait, you’re not going to pay for this, are you?” He questioned, surprised by your offer
  • “Of course I’ll pay for it,” you grinned, moving your hand from his wrist to his hip, “let me treat my baby boy, hm?”
  • Wooyoung didn’t say anything at first, dropping his gaze to the floor as he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks, your words echoing in his mind
  • “A-alright, I’ll, um, I’ll go get it for you then,” he replied after a moment, feeling his heart fluttering at your gesture
  • You just smiled, lightly grabbing his butt as he passed you
  • He let out a small squeak, rushing out of the room to prevent your hand from wandering any further, making you chuckle
  • It was already safe to say that you wouldn’t regret your purchase in the slightest


  • Alright, I’m tired of people pretending like this man is a completely innocent, nothing-but-vanilla type of person
  • Because frankly, Jongho screams hidden perv to me
  • But it’s exactly that - hidden
  • He just never lets this kind of information slip anywhere outside of your relationship, because he believes it isn’t anyone else’s business but yours and his
  • With you, however, he knows he can be completely honest and open and you would never judge him for it
  • And so, once you’d gotten more comfortable in your relationship and started exploring a bit
  • He decided that the time had finally come
  • He was nervous, don’t get me wrong
  • Extremely nervous, actually
  • Since, you know, this isn’t exactly the most common kink, per se
  • But, after a few failed attempts and countlessly rehearsed inner conversations in his head, he was finally ready
  • You were sitting in the study, working on a document you needed to send in by tomorrow
  • Fully focused on your work, you didn’t hear the office door opening, nor the muffled sound of feet approaching
  • Suddenly, there was a hand on your shoulder, making you jump with a startled gasp
  • “Jongho! You scared me, baby,” you said, startled, as you turned around in your chair to face your boyfriend
  • “What do you need?” You asked, taking notice of the way he was gripping his phone, eyes cast on the ground
  • After a moment of silence, he finally spoke
  • “I, uh, wanted to ask you something,” he finally said, internally cursing at himself for making this so unnecessarily awkward
  • “Okay? What is it?” You asked, curious as to what could have caused his strange behavior
  • He paused, and you could see the look of contemplation in his eyes, probably rethinking whether this was actually worth it
  • You sighed, grabbing his arm softly as you smiled up at him
  • “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
  • Jongho nodded at that, knowing full well he could trust you
  • After another moment of silence, he finally decided to just tell you
  • “Okay…So, um, there’s this thing I’m kind of…into? I guess?” He began, feeling his anxiety rising again
  • As he spoke, he crouched down next to you, pulling up his phone so you could both see the screen before unlocking it
  • Your eyes widened at the sight, staring at the wide array of chokers, collars, and intricate harnesses before you
  • “And I just- I just thought that maybe these would look nice on me?” He said, nervously eyeing your face for any kind of reaction, “what do you think? Could we- could we try this?”
  • You couldn’t help but chuckle, watching Jongho’s face flush in embarrassment
  • He fumbled with his phone to put it away again, but you quickly stopped him, grabbing his wrist and taking the phone from him
  • “Now, now, what are you so embarrassed about? I never said no, did I?” You asked teasingly, watching the blush on his face deepen
  • “I guess not,” he admitted quietly, giving you a sheepish smile
  • “Exactly,” you said, giving him his phone back and helping him stand back up
  • “I’m currently in the middle of something, so I can’t really talk about this with you right now,” you gestured to the computer screen where your work sat abandoned before continuing
  • “But send me some things you’d like and I’ll take a look at them later, okay?” You said, gently patting his butt with a grin
  • “O-okay, I will,” he replied, rushing out of your office as quickly as he came in just a few minutes ago
  • You just chuckled, turning back in your chair to try and resume your work  again
  • But just as you were getting back into it, you heard a ding from your phone, the screen lighting up with a message notification
  • Jongho has sent you a link
  • Jongho: here you go
  • Jongho: and thank you :)
  • You smiled at the messages, knowing fully well that the evening was about to become a lot more interesting very soon

Thank you for reading! And remember, any feedback is always appreciated! ♥


Ok , thoughts about a/b/o Ateez au where Ateez are wolfs but reader is just a different sort of animal hybrid and you know the whole cliché of a/b/o stories BUT!!!! BIG BUT!!!!! The reader is actually quite dominant (domestically and/or sexually)

And like i was thinking of like a mini scenario for each member since I saw a writer (@ja3hwa) on here do the same idea but Dom!Ateez version and I got hella inspired

(also if end up writing this idea , i will keep it in my drafts until I ask the original writer if it’s ok to interpret their idea this way cause well , i got inspired by them after all)

You have to do this!! I would absolutely love to see your idea!!
