#suburban farming



Started the squash, corn, zucchini, cucumbers and pumpkins yesterday. I’m going to get a few luffa gourds started as well, those were a really fun gourd to grow and had attracted SO many beneficial wasps to the garden.

I’m a little late this year on pretty much everything but I’ve felt really ok with that this time around. I’ve been growing food long enough now that I know a week or two late and you’re still ok. Most of the time the weather here changes so drastically that being a bit late ends up being a really good thing

17 eggs. Most I’ve ever gotten in a single day

Life on the farm ain’t all sunshine and rainbows

Processing our aggressive rooster and our recently acquired duck, as he is also becoming more aggressive as the days pass. I don’t have any issue with the processing of my animals. I provide them an excellent life and unfortunately, this is all part of the deal. I empathize with my children but also try to explain and do things in a manner which is easier for them to understand and come to terms with.

I think at times people can be lulled into this false sense of farm life. Tumblr and Instagram posts of pretty animals, surrounded by long grass and wild flowers aren’t telling the whole story. Whether it be disease or processing, death is an incredibly prevalent aspect of keeping livestock. If you’re planning on getting into this lifestyle that’s an important piece to know and to ultimately respect
