#such a cool idea



Welcome to the Lunar New Year celebration event!

Since the New Year festivities for the Year of the Ox are going to be soon, I formally invite every content creator out there to join us.

There is not nearly enough representation of Asians (ALL Asians) in the fandom, and this is our chance to find and create for each other. It’s been especially frustrating for us people that celebrate it because this will be the secondyear that we cannot spend with family and friends. Hopefully with this little event, we can all feel a bit less lonely.


  • The event will be during the actual period of LNY: Feb. 12th - 26th; that does not mean that you cannot post things earlier/later though! We all have busy schedules and it’s totally fine just to simply interact with those posts.
  • I am a Star Wars/The Mandalorian blog but you can create for whatever fandom you want, this is YOUR way to celebrate!
  • Fanfics, headcanons, art, videos, whatever medium you would like to share is absolutely welcomed and you can send them to me via dm/tag me in it so I can reblog it onto here! The tag I will be using to keep track of everything is #ReaCelebratesLNY, and you can use that as well
  • I also accept headcanon prompts for everything LNY related for the characters in my masterlist if you want to see writing done by me
  • This event is specifically for Lunar New Year but you can also use different inspiration from Asian cultures. Please stay on topic though, this is to celebrate us and to find and be there for each other.
  • You don’t have to celebrate it yourself to join in, but if you do, please do your research and interact in an appropriate manner, do not simply repeat stereotypes and call it a day. Reach out to anyone that can fact check it for you in that case!! Everyone is welcome here!
  • To my mutuals and followers: please keep an open mind and use this opportunity to educate yourselves and learn of different customs and introduce yourself to a new world. You might be surprised about a lot of things!
  • Last but not least, everyone, have fun. This is us making our own content and carving out our little corner in our fandoms. Go nuts over it, stay respectful and boost each other’s content!

Please consider reblogging this, one of your followers might want to join in!❤

Love, Rea



So here’s a thing I feel like doing.

Have you ever wanted to ask someone to write you that weirdly specific trope, or that rarepair, or the 367th version of the same plot for your OTP?

Have you ever wanted to donate to archiveofourown.org, but haven’t got around to it?

Have you ever wanted to help me get writer’s block and a stomach ulcer at the same time?

Well now is your chance!

If you donate $US 5 to AO3 and email me the receipt, you get one entry in the draw. $US 10 gets you two entries. Beyond that, let’s talk.

The draw closes on Friday 10 January at midnight US Eastern time and I’ll random.org the winner shortly thereafter and announce it on discord or tumblr or something… I’ll figure that out later.

You’ll then have a week to contact me with your request for Data x Neelix mpreg cuddling furry fic* and we’ll discuss details and work out an estimated time frame for me to deliver it to you.

Depending on interest, I may draw more than one winner.

Any Star Trek except TOS (though if I really feel like I can’t do justice to your request, please be prepared to compromise)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (but I’m no expert so please bear that in mind)
If you have a particular fandom you’d want to request, let me know now and I’ll tell you if I’m willing and able to write for it.

Go forth, donate, and please reblog/share/whatever ❤️

*That was a joke. Okay? I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone a little bit, but not that much

This is a great idea!

infinite-smile01: Hey! I’m Hilit, I’m an artist who suffers from mental disorders and my new projectinfinite-smile01: Hey! I’m Hilit, I’m an artist who suffers from mental disorders and my new projectinfinite-smile01: Hey! I’m Hilit, I’m an artist who suffers from mental disorders and my new projectinfinite-smile01: Hey! I’m Hilit, I’m an artist who suffers from mental disorders and my new project


Hey! I’m Hilit, 
I’m an artist who suffers from mental disorders and my new project is illustrated emotion cards! I’m gonna pick at random 3 blogs who reblog this and send them a free pack!
so how to play? the cards come with a time dice, you roll the dice, pick a card and describe an experience you’ve had that relate to this time and emotion, there are tons of other activities you can have with them to help communicate emotions and experiences. 

for purchases please contact me either here or on [email protected]


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