#such a romantic little thing



Okay, so we’ve had Virgin!Dex before and let’s be honest, I love that like the next person because I can just see it really well but think about: Virgin!Nursey!

I know what you’re gonna say, he’s so confident, so self-assured, he’s so chill. He probably has tried out all of the things, he’s curious. I agree, I totally do. He probably informed himself because hell yes, he is curious but he is also really romantic? Now imagine Nursey, promising himself that he’ll wait for someone special. Nursey who has to listen to his Andover pals talking about their sex-lifes, acting like Nursey is a total expert because obviously, he’s so fucking pretty. But Nursey totally isn’t? Like, yeah, he read about things. He’s seen porn and he imagined having sex but he…never has? 

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