

My Malec Secret Santa gift for @suchawannabe56! Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!


Ward Upgrades and Dinner Dates

The portal opened at the front steps of the Institute, and Alec straightened his back even further in preparation to meet the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Maryse and Robert had neglected the ward repair schedule during their tenure, and when Alec took over as acting head, he had been horrified to find that a visit from the High Warlock was overdue by nearly five years. One of his first acts once he was fully in place was to make a formal request for Magnus Bane to come to the Institute to arrange a new maintenance contract, and fortunately he had agreed to come the next day.

When a man stepped through the portal, Alec found himself wishing that he’d had a bit more time to prepare and actually looked at the photos in Magnus’s file instead of just reading the text. While he had expected the warlock to be powerful and somewhat eccentric, he hadn’t expected him to be so utterly gorgeous. Alec stared with his mouth slightly open as Magnus walked up the steps to meet him, and the smirk on the warlock’s face told him he was being obvious in his admiration.

‘Well hello there. I’m Magnus.’

Continue on AO3
