
suffocating // the word alivesuffocating // the word alive

suffocating // the word alive

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This or That, Breath Whump Edition

muzzle or duct tape gag // drowning in a tank or suffocating in an airtight room // tight collar or neck shackle // oxygen mask or water boarding // crushed trachea or collapsed lung // aerosolized poison or smoke inhalation // buried alive or sealed in an airless vault // asthma attack or paralyzed lungs // hyperventilation or breath holding // tape over mouth and nose or smothered with a pillow // coughing or wheezing // clawing at own throat or struggling weakly // denied air as punishment or torture by asphyxiation // strangled or hanged // suffocated with magic or asphyxiated with a plastic sheet // garroted or choked

I’ll be mingling with fellow pervs at GWNN bash this weekend. HOM with latex gloves clip up to

I’ll be mingling with fellow pervs at GWNN bash this weekend. HOM with latex gloves clip up tonight;) http://www.clips4sale.com/studio/88036
Filming with my sexy new BBW friend Ms. Charlene Ward next week, super excited! Xo

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