#sugar mommies world building


Look at the episode of Friends that I’m watching…

Now just imagine the reader (Rachel) being chased by Natty runs into Wanda (Pheebs) who’s being chased by Carol

Ahh that made me smile♥️

Read:The One with the Phoebe Buffay Run here!

Read Part 1 of Sugar Mommies here! (It gets better I promise…I think)

So I saw this on TikTok and it just made me think of my Sugar Mommies Universe

Credit to who made the TikTok cos I am not that talented although I wish I could do them

Submitted by…

So someone asked me something along the lines of “Why is Carol called Captain” and for the life of me I can’t find the ask! (Lowkey wondering if I’ve already replied this but I can’t remember!)

So…Wanda and Natasha bought their Carol flying classes for her birthday and she loved it. The second she was back on the runway and hugging Wanda close - as well as eyeing Natasha up - she declared her name was to be ‘Captain’

Wanda was very intrigued by this and by the next morning, Carol’s name had been christened…a LOT.

Carol is also quite partial to “Cap” too, especially when you’re withering underneath her.

Thanks to whoever submitted this!

If you want to talk about the Sugar Mommies Universe, send me a question and I’ll answer them - not a submission for a prompt as I’ve got a fair few!

Love you guys!

