#sugar softies 600 follower special


This is my entry for @sugarsoftie​‘s 600 follower special! Again, congrats for the 600 followers!

“I can’t believe I used to love you” | Angst | Staring into his eyes, you know he is no longer the one you gave your heart to.


A melody filled the air as people filed into the walls of Manburg. You stood at the sides, welcoming those that came to attend the festival. You shake hands with them as they move to the main section of the festival. As the last of the guests enter, you turn and look over the place. You note the decorations strewn around, set up by Tubbo and Fundy. The colorful balloons and banners making the festival look welcoming and warm. Your eyes trailed to the many booths and stalls open, the vendors preparing their products. You see Niki preparing baked goods by her stall, the smell of freshly made bread wafting through the air. Your train of thought was interrupted when someone put their hand on your shoulder. You flinched in surprise, turning around to face them. 

You breathed a sigh of relief as it was only Tubbo. “Don’t startle me like that! I could have gotten a heart attack Tubs.” You exaggerate, letting out a chuckle. You hear Tubbo giggle too, but he stops as he tries to speak. “Sorry (Y/N), but uh, Schlatt wants to speak you before the festivities all properly start.”

“Ah, what does our dear president want now.” You sigh, nodding to Tubbo in acknowledgment and turning to leave for whatever business Schlatt may have with you.

You were an advisor and cabinet member of L’manburg, no Manburg when Schlatt came to power. Despite not being an original citizen and just a bystander and audience member in the election, Schlatt had decided you were worthy of being part of his cabinet, you think. When the original founder of the country was cast out of his creation, you had opted not to attack and join the ones who smelled blood and attacked, following the orders of the current president.

You took to your assigned task efficiently, you followed through with the decisions made in the cabinet meetings and gave out your thoughts and opinions on the matter. Though you did not fail to notice the glances the president threw at you. When you decided to confront Schlatt about his staring, he had bravely spoken of his interest for you. Stating that your sharp mind and intellect, along with the fact that you were on good terms with most of the people in the smp, were qualities he saw as admirable. You remember your flushed cheeks over the praise, the warm feeling in your chest, the butterflies in your stomach.

But the thing you would never forget would be the look he gave you while you two were alone in his office. His eyes full of desire and passion, for you.

You stop your thought when you arrive at the podium. Schlatt is speaking with his vice-president, Quackity, with a topic you couldn’t quite hear well at the distance you were at. You waited for a few minutes until Schlatt let out an exasperated sigh and walked down the stage, coming to face you. “Ey (Y/N), I’ve been waiting for you my favorite cabinet member” he cackles.

You put a small smile on your face at his words. “That’s nice of you to say, but if I am your favorite then why is Big Q the Vice-President?” you joke, letting out a giggle. “If I were a spectator, I’d point out how it seems you favor him over me.” You continue.

You hear him let out a deep bawl of laughter, which eggs you on to continue your giggling. “Darling, if I didn’t have him as my Vice-President, I wouldn’t be leading Manburg now, would I?” he jested, gesturing into the air.

You let out a chuckle at his statement. “Well, what did you want to speak with me about?” you ask, staring at the horned man in front of you. He begins to compose himself and pats his attire down to make sure he looks presentable. “You remember of my plans for this great country, right?” he asks.

You nod in response. “Schlatt, of course I do, I am actively assisting in the affairs of the state or have you forgotten?” you tease.

“Yeah yeah, well I got some news from a little birdie that someone on my cabinet has been colluding with Pogtopia.” He deadpanned, a steely look on his features. “And I know just how to deal with that little mole.”

“Well, you know how I invited Technoblade to this festival, well I was thinking…why not have him kill our traitor. It’s appropriate! The best warrior of the rebellion striking down their own informant!” he declared, a wicked grin on his face.

“Who…is this mole anyway? I have a sneaking suspicion it is Fundy; his dear old dad is the exiled leader. Or perhaps it’s Niki, she and Wilbur are close.” You put out, gripping your chin in thought.

“Tubbo, the one I made my right-hand man.”

Your face pales, of course that Tubbo would come to the rebels’ aid. Tommy is his best friend; he was willing to do anything for the boy. And with knowing of what Schlatt’s plans are for the kid, you feel dread settle in. How could he think of something so gruesome for the boy?

“You, you can’t possibly be serious Schlatt?!” you shout, mouth agape in shock as your mind races. “He…Tubbo is just a child! You can’t do that to him!” you declare, looking up to glare at the man in front of you.

“And you think that absolves him of his betrayal to Manburg, to me, to US!” he retorted, bringing a hand up in anger to rake through his dark locks. “I know you care about the kid but c’mon, he’s a traitor! You can’t hold any love for him.” He added, before turning to leave and walk up the stage.

“This conversation isn’t over. You can’t walk away!” You grab his arm to stop him, but he grabs your wrist and wrenches it away from him. He turns back around and raises your hand above your head.

“I can, and I will. I’m the president of Manburg. I am it’s ruler, it’s law, and I can do whatever the hell I want!” he shouted in your face. Your eyes widen, this was the first time you and he had ever gotten into an argument. You usually could temper the situation before it escalated, with you reluctantly agreeing into whatever he wanted.

You stare into his dark orbs. These eyes that you once loved, when they playfully glared at you, closed when you let out a joke, and gave a loving gaze whenever you helped in his plans. These eyes now something you feared. A deep darkness threatening to swallow you whole, consume your very essence and force you to submit to its darkest desires. These eyes that no calm you but induce a fear of being the next hurdle to be removed.

You recoil in panic, letting out a soft sob and stare down at the ground. Tears pool in the corner of your eyes as Schlatt let’s go of your wrist. “This is an order, (Y/N), stay in the white house for the rest of the festival. We’ll have a talk after all of this, resist, and I’ll give you a first-row seat to Tubbo’s execution. Got it?” he threatened, turning to walk up the stage. Leaving you to lean your back against the foundation. You let the tears spill out, like a dam finally being opened, your feelings flowed out. Each of your tears holding a fragment of the many emotions you felt. Panic, fear, anger, guilt, pain, betrayal.

“I can’t believe I used to love you…” you mutter out, pulling your knees into your chest and continued sobbing. The noise of the festivities blocking out your wailing.


A/N: I do hope this isn’t a bit too late. I’ve just been not feeling well these past few days. Like…not up to eat, I’m always tired, and not many things get me happy anymore. I dunno, maybe it’s just that seasonal down periods. Anyways, I’m still in the process of writing the headcanon requests but desperately wanted to get this out. Hope you enjoy!
