#summer tag



Distant Thunder, Andrew Wyeth, 1961


i love being a fan of media. ur favorite character shows up on screen or page and ur just like hiiii baby


It is June, i am tired of being braveALT

June, Don’t Abandon Me

The Truth the Dead Know, Anne Sexton// Flaming June, Frederic Leighton// “The Waves”, Virginia Woolf// A Day in June, Isaac Levitan// 100 Love Sonnets, Pablo Neruda// Study in June Sunlight, Edmund C. Tarbell// Disorder, Vanesha Pravin//




WIP Bingo

Not a new tag game, per say, but one I haven’t seen around in a while and I love it so I’m bringing it back! It’s a fun way to learn about the small parts of some people’s wips!

Rules: First, play bingo with one of the cards of the person who tagged you. Then, using this bingo card maker, make a bingo card for your wips. Then, tag some people to play bingo with your card. (If you’re confused just ask and I can help lol I’m not good at explaining)

Anyway, I’m tagging a bunch to start PLUS whoever ends up wanting to play: @thetruearchmagos@circa-specturgia@my-writblr@spiderfall@parttimeghost @penspiration-writing@muddshadow@sentfromwolves@three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat

I’ve put three WIP bingos below the cut! You definitely don’t have to do all of them lol!

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this means i won, right?

anyway, here’s mine, the most random collection of things ever @steppingonshatteredglass@mylarivera@stardustanddaffodils@when-wax-wings-melt@athenstheidiot

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here’s mine:

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thank you for the tag summer !!

i wasnt sure if i had. to. like. play bingo w like your card so i just picked one of the first ones

anwyays here’s mine

tagging@thechaoticflowergarden​ beloved and anyone who wants to do it!!
