
summerpipedreamSee summerpipedream’s existing works here. Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: summerp


See summerpipedream’s existing works here.

Preferred contact methods:
Tumblr: summerpipedream
Discord: summerpipedream#4250

Preferred organizations:
- Asian Mental Health Collective
- Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)
- Partners In Health
- Rainbow Railroad
- World Central Kitchen
(See the list of approved organizations here)

Will create works that contain:
Any types of alternate universes, action/adventure, romantic and platonic ships, getting together, established relationship, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crossovers/fusions (if I know the material well enough), friends to lovers, Avengers as family, found family, slice-of-life, happy or hopeful endings.

Will not create works that contain:
Non-con between the main pairing, infidelity between the main pairing(s), underage, age play, watersports, scat.

– Fic or Other Writing –

Auction ID: 1037

Will create works for the following relationships:
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 3490, AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Tony Stark-centric - AvAc, MCU
Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU

Work Description:
For this auction, I’m offering a fic of the bidder’s choice between 8-10k (negotiable to be higher for podbids - contact me first). I tend to write AUs although I will venture into canon divergence from time to time. I love combining different tropes and finding new and interesting ways to write them (e.g. mail order bride + western au + magic).

In addition to the ships already listed, I am willing to write more rare pairs with Tony (e.g. Tony/Thor, Tony/Sam, rarer ot3s including Bucky/Tony/Sam) as well as other rarer platonic ships (Nebula & Rhodey, Helen & Tony, etc.). My only NOTP is Steve/Bucky romantically on their own. If you have any specific questions about what I’d be willing/unwilling to write, feel free to contact me any time before you make a bid.

Ratings:Gen, Teen, Mature

Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!


– Beta Service –

Auction ID: 2017

Will create works for the following relationships:
Tony Stark-centric - 3490, AvAc, MCU
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 3490, AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
Avengers fandom any gen - AvAc, MCU
Bruce Banner/Valkyrie - MCU

Work Description:
For this bid, I’m offering my beta services for a fic of any length. I can offer basic spelling and grammar checks, characterization and cohesiveness checks, and would be willing to help you discuss plot points and ideas, depending on the type and level of feedback you’re looking for!

In addition to the list above, I’m open to rare pairs (e.g. Tony/Thor, Tony/Sam, Pepper/May, Carol/Maria Rambeau, etc.) and rarer polyships (e.g. Bucky/Tony/Sam; Steve/Bucky/Sam/Natasha/Tony, etc.). -

With gen ships, I’m also willing to do rare pairs with or without Tony (e.g. Nebula & Rhodey, Helen & Bruce, Shuri & Bucky), etc. My only NOTP is Steve/Bucky romantically on their own. If you have a rare ship in mind, please send me a message and I can let you know if I’d be open to it!

I can cheer you on as an alpha reader, and help you through the whole process, or be that final pair of eyes at the very end. I generally like to use the Google docs commenting and highlighting features, and we can chat over discord, email or Tumblr messenger.

I’ve got 8+ years of beta experience, and I’m familiar with the MCU, Avengers Academy, 3490 and some story lines within the 616 universe. I love all AUs, and would love to help you world build or even check characterization! Length of turnaround will depend on the length of the fic and what type of beta work you’d be interested in. Generally, fics that are under 10k will be looked at within a week.

If you have any questions I haven’t answered above, feel free to contact me before you bid!

Ratings:Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!


– Other Fan Labor –

Auction ID: 3005

Will create works for the following relationships:
Tony Stark-centric - 3490, AvAc, MCU
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 3490, AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 3490, AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU
Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - AvAc, MCU
Avengers Team-centric - AvAc, MCU

Work Description:
Finished writing a fic and stuck on what to call it? Tearing your hair out trying to figure out a summary? Tired of constantly scrolling down the ao3 tag list? Let me help! For this auction, I’m offering to title, summarize and figure out ao3 tags lists for up to three (3) finished fic drafts of any length, ready for posting on ao3 or tumblr. Please note that this does not include beta reading (please see my other offering for that type of bid!) and that the submitted drafts must be either mostly completed, or complete.

In addition to the list above, I’m open to rare pairs (e.g. Tony/Thor, Tony/Sam, Pepper/May, Carol/Maria Rambeau, etc.) and rarer polyships (e.g. Bucky/Tony/Sam; Steve/Bucky/Sam/Natasha/Tony, etc.). My only NOTP is Steve/Bucky romantically on their own.

With gen ships, I’m also willing to do rare pairs with or without Tony (e.g. Nebula & Rhodey, Helen & Bruce, Shuri & Bucky), etc. If you have question about a ship, please reach out to me and I’ll let you know whether I’d be open to it.

If you have any questions I haven’t answered above, feel free to contact me before you bid!

Ratings:Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!


The auction runs from October 17 (12 AM ET) to October 23 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!

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