#sungie cuddles


Hold Me Tonight ❞

› pairing - han jisung x gn! best friend reader

genre - fluff

word count - 1.0k

summary - jisung just needs a little comfort after breaking up with his ex.

warnings - mentions of a break up and sungie feeing insecure :(

a/n - ok this is like the sweetest thing i’ve written but after seeing the 미친 놈 mv, all i want is to give sungie a big ole hug </3


you’re in the kitchen preparing snacks before suddenly hearing knocks on your apartment door. of course, you knew who the knocks belonged to…you just weren’t expecting him to be here so early. it was currently 7:30pm and jisung said he’d be here by 8:00.

friday night movies was somewhat of a tradition for you two and even when he started dating his girlfriend, he insisted the tradition stay. she never really had a problem with it but you could tell she didn’t like how close the two of you were. honestly, you wouldn’t either but fortunately for her, you were nothing but best friends and would remain that way.

you open the door to be greeted by none other than the han jisung and step away to let him inside, but not before catching a glimpse of puffy eyes and a distant look on his face. he’s quick to cover it up with a smile, though, so you push the thought of there being something wrong to the back of your head. he would tell you if there was.

“why are you here so early, sungie?” you ask, walking back into the kitchen to finish the snacks.

“ah..am i early? i wasn’t really paying attention to the time. i guess i just couldn’t wait to come see you.” he replies, softly.

now you know he obviously doesn’t mean anything by his last sentence but you still can’t help the way your heart flutters upon hearing it.

you chuckle, putting the bags of popcorn in the microwave. “of course you couldn’t,” you tease. “pick a movie and grab a blanket out of the closet, i’ll be right there when the popcorn’s finished.” you command and as expected, jisung nods and does exactly as you say. he’s always been like that. it’s not like you boss him around for fun, it’s just that anytime you need or want something, he does it without question.

after the popcorn finishes popping, you pour it all into a big bowl, grabbing it along with the candy and your drinks and take it to the living room. after you manage to set everything down on the coffee table without dropping anything, you turn to see jisung already curled up under the blanket, watching you expectantly.

“did you choose a movie already?” you ask, sitting down next to him.

“mhmm.” he hums and grabs the remote to press play.

it only takes you a few seconds into the opening to figure out what it is he put on.

“the hangover? really?” you raise an eyebrow.

“what? it’s one of my favorites!”

all you can do is shake your head and throw a piece of popcorn at him–which he’s surprisingly able to catch in his mouth.

halfway into the movie, you’re about to move to the end of the couch so you have room to lay down but the sound of a quiet sniffle stops you. you look over at jisung to see a stream of tears rolling down his face, which confuses you because nothing about this movie is sad.

“sungie, what’s wrong?” you ask, voiced laced with concern.

“ah- it’s n-nothing.” he discards, quickly wiping away the stray tears and looking away from you.

“no it’s not nothing…tell me what it is.” you voice firmly, pausing the movie before turning your attention back to the boy in front of you.

“is there something wrong with me?”

“wha- no! of course not. where is this coming from?” your eyebrows squeeze together in confusion and concern.

“yuna broke up with me,” he blurts out, “she told me that i just wasn’t enough. that i couldn’t give her what she wanted.”

you feel tears welling in your eyes at the thought of jisung ever feeling like he’s not good enough.

“baby, look at me,” you grab his face. “you are more than enough. you are such an amazing and talented person and you treat everyone around you with kindness. sometimes people just don’t go well together, that’s all. yuna wasn’t the person for you and you weren’t the person for her. but believe me when i say that you’re someone’s person, okay? don’t ever think you’re not good enough.” you didn’t realize that you accidentally let some of the tears slip until jisung’s hand came up to wipe them away.

“oh my god y/n, please don’t cry because of me. i’m sorry, can you please just hold me?” he pleads with the biggest puppy eyes.

“of course, c'mere.” you open your arms, inviting him in before laying down with him, his head level with your chest and arms wrapped around your torso.

you begin to slowly stroke his soft hair before feeing him keen into your touch.

“sungie, i don’t wanna scare you but i- i love you,” you admit. “i can’t really tell you if it’s platonic or romantic, all i can say is that i love you so much. i’m so happy to have you in my life and i never want you to leave.” you sigh, happy to have gotten that off your chest.

“y/n i-” he looks up slowly.

“you don’t have to say anything, i just wanted you to know.” you cut him off, sensing his nervousness.

“no y/n, i want to tell you that i think i love you too. you’ve alway been there for me…please don’t ever leave.” he begs, arms tightening around your torso.

“i’m not leaving, baby. i’m not leaving.” you reassure, wrapping your arms around him even tighter.

at this point you were both squeezing each other entirely too tight but neither of you could care less. you stayed like this until eventually dozing into dreamland, forgetting all about the movie and the snacks sitting on the coffee table.

© 2020 fairyhwngs.All rights reserved.
