#super pacs


After Jeb Bush’s spectacular failure in running for president, some people say money’s role in politics has been exaggerated. That’s silly. Every Voice’s David Donnelly explains why in the New York Times:

“Having a lot of funding may not guarantee success, but having little is a great predictor of a loss. The cost of elections for virtually every office creates a barrier to entry for many would-be passionate public servants, leaving us candidate pools limited to those with wealth or access to it. Proportionately fewer women and people of color run for and serve in office as a result.

In turn, that narrows and distorts the policy debate because those who give large campaign donations aren’t reflective of America’s glorious diversity of views and backgrounds.”

Like the rest of us–the funny pages know our campaign finance system is a joke.

Like the rest of us–the funny pages know our campaign finance system is a joke.

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