#super stripe

Gravity Assist (Hypo super stripe) & Canada Dry (super stripe) - Boa imperatorThese 2019 brotherGravity Assist (Hypo super stripe) & Canada Dry (super stripe) - Boa imperatorThese 2019 brother

Gravity Assist (Hypo super stripe) & Canada Dry (super stripe) - Boa imperator

These 2019 brothers are growing up nicely. Hoping they’ll put some work in next season.

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Something Different - Aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)Something Different - Aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)Something Different - Aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)

Something Different - Aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)

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Canada Dry - Super Stripe (Boa imperator)Canada Dry - Super Stripe (Boa imperator)

Canada Dry - Super Stripe (Boa imperator)

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Western Son -  OT hypo aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator) Western Son -  OT hypo aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)

Western Son -  OT hypo aby possible het super stripe (Boa imperator)

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Decided to replace my SS project male with another animal so my trio is unrelated.

This boy should be joining the line up in Jan. He is more what I was looking for in a cornerstone animal, and Seagram will be my back up.

What a stellar boy!
