#supercorp fan art



omg guys can you believe they made out for 2 hours in the finale

This isn’t too clean or too detailed but it really was only supposed to be a sketch then I got carried away anyways if you get what cartoon moment this references you’re awesome

I drew this imagining this as a picture Kara & Lena would keep on their desks or by their bed just a sweet moment leaning into each other on a park bench.

A doodle for supercorptober day 12 Sunday. We all knew that the statue wouldn’t be Lena’s biggest romantic gesture of course she was gonna try to get Kara her own holiday

Supercorp day 10 bold. S2 Lena was very frustrated about Kara not realizing that her bold romantic gestures were romantic & Jess was just tired of having to listen to Lena spend hours talking about Kara

A quick doodle for supercorptober day 5 red please ignore the extra p in apartment I cannot spell & I am too lazy to fix it

I might have gone full crack head on this but I just knew it was something that bad to be drawn



Maybe they’re just in love, Alex!

Stay safe, everyone! <3
