#supernatual reader insert




Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader

Warnings: angst with some fluffy moments, ansty ending though

Word count: 1359

A/N: This is for the wonderful @avanatural and her 300 follower celebration! Congratulations again darling and thank you so much for hosting the fun event! I’m sorry if this is late  I totally lost track of time. The prompt I chose is bolded within the fic. I hope y’all enjoy it!


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Ahhh, even though you broke my heart, I LOVE THIS, @nerdyfangirl67​! ❤ And don’t worry, you’re not too late at all! I gotta admit, you really surprised me with this fic! This quote actually felt like a fluffy, family AU kind of prompt to me, and gosh, did you prove me wrong! I’m a huge fan of being surprised by stories, and you just blew me away! The angst was so ON POINT, I don’t know how you do it You are such a talented writer, thank you so much for taking part in my challenge! ❤


There are quotes below the cut, so watch out for spoilers for this wonderful story!

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@avanatural ! Oh my gosh! I don’t even know where to start! Everything about this response just gets to me At first, I thought I was going to go in the fluffy direction with this one, but it totally came out angsty instead.

I love that you had so many favorite parts in this fic! It makes me Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write this amazingly beautiful review! It means so much that you liked it!

Thank you for hosting this exciting writing challenge! Congratulations again on the follower milestone! Can’t wait to see where you go from here
