


i think my favorite part of the trailer was the quote that was like ‘as long as a winchester lives, there’s hope’ well they are all dead


Jensen x Reader

Warnings: Swearing, Injury, Mentions of Drinking, Anxiety, Mentions of a Break In, Sweet!Misha, Sweet!Funny!Smartass!Jared, Sweet!Funny!Protective!Flirty!Irritated!Jensen (Just Jensen all the way around)

Words: 6,133

Summary: Being a makeup artist on set for the last fourteen years has had it’s perks. You’ve been close with all the stars that have stepped through your trailer, but Jared and Jensen have definitely made more visits than most. After something turns your life upside down before Thanksgiving, One of your amazing friends is quick to help.

This is for Kayla’s { @one-shots-supernatural } Autumn Challenge. My prompts were Apple Cider, Pumpkin Carving and Thanksgiving.

I’m WAY overdue to getting this out, but of course since it’s Kayla’s challenge, I’ve had a straight shot of being able to talk to her about it. Though it’s crazy late, she’s still excited for it and I hope you all enjoy it!!


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I may not be posting, but Megan is!!

Check our this adorable Jensen one shot!!


Characters: Sam x Reader

Words: 1994

Summary: October rolls around, and the reader loves listening to This is Halloween by Danny Elfman, and over time is causes some issues.

This is for @roxy-davenport ‘s SPN Halloween Writing Challenge! :) 

Warnings: fighting, hospital, coma

Listen to This is Halloween here!

I loved writing this!! Thank you to Roxy for running this challenge! Enjoy, everyone!! :)

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 ―  ( g u i d e )   ∘ ( f a c e c l a i m )  ∘ ( r e q u e s t s  )  ∘ ( d i s c o r d )Crue


g u i d e )   ∘ ( f a c e c l a i m )  ∘ ( r e q u e s t s  )  ∘ ( d i s c o r d )

Cruel Intentions has been open for over 1 year now and we couldn’t be more ecstatic to celebrate! Even after fifteen months we’re constantly updating the site. there’s always something new and exciting; whether it be a new species to play, a pretty member group or awesome new characters to plot with!

some of our newest additions include: a separate ICC & LAC server, an automatically updated face claim, tons of member groups & species to choose from, and a multitude of custom codes to use around the board! there’s a little something for everyone on Cruel Intentions, so come check us out and see for yourself!

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“ ars longa, vita brevis “  Vita Brevis is a brand new dark academia-inspired supernatural creatures

“ ars longa, vita brevis “ 

Vita Brevis is a brand new dark academia-inspired supernatural creatures site set in the fictional town of Selkirk, Vermont near the border of Quebec, Canada. We have a member-driven plot, taking inspiration from the dark academia genre, Greek mythology, and supernatural folklore.

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 ⚡ [ PITY THE DREAMERS ] ⚡original magic community, st. amos (cornwall, uk)before there was life.

original magic community, st. amos (cornwall, uk)

before there was life. there was the other. before there was hope. there was the other. before there was us… there was the other. and from the other, came magic.

pity the dreamers is a brand new, no word count, profile application rp, brought to you on jcink premium. our mission is to create an inclusive community, with a relaxed and welcoming vibe, where character and plot development are the main focus of the game.

guidebook ➝ face claim ➝ gift claim ➝ requests ➝ discord

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las valencia



Welcome to the city of shadows. The first modern city to legalize supernaturals, the only haven worldwide where anyone or anything can roam with freedom and not fear. Everything in the city is always open, and closed signs are few and far between. Whispers in the shadows. Curses in the light. This is a city of your darkest dreams.

Las Valencia is a Supernatural RP board set in a fictional city, we are a mature themed site without word count.

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 BELLMARE is an 18+ supernatural role play on jcink set in the fictional town of bellmare, nova scot

BELLMARE is an 18+ supernatural role play on jcink set in the fictional town of bellmare, nova scotia. we operate with an open lore conceptandrelaxed activity rules. we’ve just opened our doors for our grand opening !


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 ⸸BLOODLESSLYis finally fully open! we are a fantasy horror roleplay set in the fictional content of astia. we feature a 20+ roleplay community with a focus on stress-free roleplay & character driven storylines. meant to be a sandbox experience for folks who like both horror and high fantasy, we take our inspiration from the likes of dungeons & dragons, bloodborne, h.p. lovecraft, dragon age, and more!
Welcome to The Penumbra, dreamer. By what way did you come? If you seek a way out, the road ahead is
Welcome to The Penumbra, dreamer. By what way did you come? If you seek a way out, the road ahead is long and twisting, but won’t you stay? We know you may be out of sorts, but we assure you… it will be a blessed experience.

Godswept is an upcoming spiritual horror roleplay, with original playable deities, uniquely designed beings, and the ever-tormented race of man. Dreamers may find themselves in another world entirely, some stuck, others stretched between the two. Will you carry onward through the haze of the grey, or will you pray to the divine for help?

Tumblr Buzz: https://godswept-rp.tumblr.com/

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“ ars longa, vita brevis “  Vita Brevis is a brand new dark academia-inspired supernatural creatures

“ ars longa, vita brevis “ 

Vita Brevis is a brand new dark academia-inspired supernatural creatures site set in the fictional town of Selkirk, Vermont near the border of Quebec, Canada. We have a member-driven plot, taking inspiration from the dark academia genre, Greek mythology, and supernatural folklore.

home // guidebook // species // discord

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Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel

Warning: None

Word Count: 1,296

Summary:After his confrontation with Kerubiel, Castiel realizes how much danger the fledgling is in and returns to the brothers to warn them.

Part One-Part Two-Part Three-Part Four-Part Five -Part Six


   Having been inflicted by one of very few weapons that threaten an angel, the wound in Castiel’s shoulder stubbornly refuses to close, seeps blood and Grace, and soaks up the energy required to heal his other, minor wounds. The pain of it is sharp, the arm prickly and numb, the throbbing deep and reverberating down his spine, but he can’t tell if it pierced through his back. Coddling his injured left shoulder and feeling the sting of his brother’s other blows, he teleports out of the alley and back the Winchesters’ motel. His aim is off, and he lands just outside their room. When Dean opens the door, Cass’ strength reaches its end, and he’s half dragged into the room by the older brother.

   “What happened, Cass?” Dean demands to know, letting his friend rest on the floor.

   Cass sits forward, bracing his weight on his good arm and breathing hard. “They found me. They know I’m hiding her.” He winces when Dean presses a rag against his wound.

   “Who’s ‘they’?”

   “Angels. They want to kill her. And me.”

   “Well, they ain’t gettin’ in here. The whole damn room’s warded against fifty shades of evil.”

   “You have to go. You have to get her away from here. Take her someplace hidden.”

   “There’s no place close by.”

   “Then drive all night if you must. Please go, Dean.” Cass fixes his best friend with a look as imploring as the one from the day he asked the brothers to keep the fledgling as their ward. It works. Dean shakes his head, quickly ties the rag around Cass’ shoulder, and begins gathering his things. In the next seconds, Sam hands him the baby so that he can mimic his brother.

   Nestled in the crook of the angel’s right arm, the oblivious five-month-old stares at him and at the motion of her caretakers with her big blue eyes, kicks at the lapel of his trench coat, and sucks on her yellow pacifier. Soon she should begin babbling, and then in a flash she’ll be talking and asking an endless number of questions. All she has to do is survive being hunted. As he does each time he sees the fledgling, Cass wonders how anyone could want to harm this tiny, beautiful, perfect creature. Unlike everyone around her, she’s innocent, perhaps the only one among them deserving of peace and happiness. Cass loves her with an intensity he’s never had for anyone else.

   When Dean tries to get him on his feet, he pulls away and tries to hand over the baby. “Leave me here. I’ll hold them off if they come this way.”

   “I ain’t leavin’ you here. You’re coming with us.”

   “They might be following me.”

   “If they find us, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let’s go.”

   Cass is, honestly, feeling drowsy, sore, and a little shaky, but he holds on tight to the baby and follows the Winchesters out to their car. Once he’s settled in the backseat, weariness overtakes him. Dean starts the car, and as he succumbs to sleep, he’s aware of Sam taking the fledgling and strapping her into her car seat. Her curious burbling is the last thing he hears. Sometime later he awakens to find that his minor wounds have healed and that the scenery has changed: to the right is a forest, to the left is a guardrail and, beyond it and a ways down, the edge of a small lake.

   “Why have we stopped?” he asks.

   Dean replies, “We’ve got company.”

*    *    *    *    *

   Hands gripping the wheel of the idling Impala, Dean stares out the front window at the four figures blocking the two-lane highway. They stand in an even line, but the tallest – a man so masculine it’s almost cliché – is without a doubt their leader. Behind them, the late afternoon sun dips towards the horizon and stretches their shadows all the way to the front fender. The group moves toward the car once it’s made a full stop.

   “Sam, get the kid,” Dean orders. He reaches underneath the seat for the silver dagger he keeps there – not very effective against an angel but better than nothing – and braces for the impending fight. This nameless baby who’s been riding in his car and puking on his shirts has burrowed her way into his heart, and nothing and no one will ever take her from him. No longer does he wish for Castiel to find another home; that’s what he wants to give her.

   The angels reach the car, each one opening a door and reaching for whichever man is closest. Dean lets himself be pulled outside by the drill sergeant one in khakis and a wife beater before he starts slashing. He manages to get a few good strikes in before the angel gets reoriented. Then it’s a downhill battle. Dean twists and ducks, kicks and jabs, but the angel would be a rock even if he relied on the strength, skill, and dexterity of his vessel alone. In a move that catches Dean off guard, his knife hand is twisted until he’s forced to drop the dagger, his arms are pinned to his back, and the edge of an angel blade is pressed against his neck. From this precarious perspective, he can see that Cass is holding his own against a pair of black angels, but Sam has been cornered with the infant and the demon blade with a blade pointed at his neck by a hilariously petite Japanese woman.

   “Hold off, Castiel,” shouts his captor, “or the Winchesters will have their throats slit.”

   Castiel backs away from his opponents who, surprisingly, don’t take advantage of his retreat but rather take two steps back towards their leader. In the lull that follows, the baby’s fussing mingles with the breeze off the lake.

   “End this madness, Kerubiel.”

   “You are in no position to argue, brother. Give yourself and the child over to us, and we’ll allow these two to walk free.”

   “The child has done nothing wrong. Take me and leave her be.”

   “If you continue to bargain, I will slit this mudmonkey’s throat come after you myself while he bleeds out. Take the fledgling from the tall one there and bring her to me.”

   “Don’t do it, Cass,” Dean says, stopping when the blade is pressed more persuasively against his Adam’s apple.

   Castiel studies the scene around him, left arm held a bit stiffly, then sags and turns to Kerubiel. “If I come quietly with the baby,” he starts despairingly, “you’ll let Sam and Dean go free?”

   “You have my word.”

   Slowly, Cass walks over to Sam and reaches around the woman for the five-month-old. Confused and sickeningly worried, Dean is helpless to watch his friend take the baby from Sam – who can’t resist much with a knife point under his jaw – and carry her back to Kerubiel.

   “Cass, no.”

   “Let them go,” Cass demands. “Once they’re free, you can have us both.”

   Kerubiel nods and releases Dean who tries to read his friend as he stumbles away. “Nuriel, Nithael, Mebehiah, back to me.”

   Even when Kerubiel lifts the fussing infant from his arms, Castiel does nothing to turn the tides. When Dean defensively moves to intervene, the tiny woman blocks his path and stares him down. Sam joins him in watching the exchange, both of them at a loss for everything.

   “You’re cute for an abomination,” Kerubiel says to the fledgling. Then to Cass, “Will you come quietly, or should I have you bound?”

   “I’ll come quietly, but I have just one question.”


   Cass casts a quick, sly look over his shoulder at the brothers, and then a grin spreads across the angel’s face. “Do you even know me, bitch?”

@pureawesomeness001 @27bmm @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @super-not-naturall@gabriel-themightysugaraddict@mogaruke@mrswhozeewhatsis@hexparker@kdfrqqg@little-castiel13@18crazybutcutealsopsycho@olympianbeagles
