

Merry Christmas to the lovely @supernatural9917fic. I hope you like it, and you have a wonderful holiday period. You are an awesome person and I really hope this is okay and makes you smile. Enjoy, ❤️


If you won’t then I will

Alec sighed as he flopped on his bed. He wasn’t sure what he had done to find himself in this position. But obviously, he had done something. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could do this, after all, it was just Magnus. Magnus, who he had been friends with for almost two years. Magnus, who he has been practically in love with for almost as long. Magnus, who he had agreed to fake date. Alec groaned and turned to bury his face in his pillow, wondering for the millionth time that evening, why he had accepted. But after all, there was only one answer. It was Magnus, and he would do anything for Magnus.

“Alexander?” Magnus called, looking over to where Alec was flopped on his sofa.

Alec looked up at his friend, “yeah?”

Alec frowned when he noticed that his friend seemed nervous. Magnus was never nervous and Alec found that it made him uneasy. “Magnus?” he asked, sitting up to pay more attention to his friend.

Continue on AO3
