#supernaural x reader



This part of the story focuses more on the second part of the original request. Angst and fluff :) 

It had been a few months since Dean Winchester chose you. He proposed for you to come on the road with him and the Sam and become a part of their team permanently, and you graciously accepted. These boys had taught you so much in the time you’d been with them, and they had introduced you to Bobby, the man who’s house you all spent a lot of time in. 

You were leaning against Bobby’s kitchen counter, nursing a cup of coffee listening to the songs of the birds on the other side of the open window. You took in your surroundings; all 6 foot 4 of Sam sprawled out on the couch fast asleep, beer bottles and books from late night researching last night, the peeling wallpaper that hadn’t been re-done in years, the blood stained floor boards from casualties and torturing sessions, the musty smell of the old house, the sound of the creaking floor of Bobby walking upstairs, and then you laid your eyes upon the beautiful man sitting at the kitchen table. He was relaxed back in his chair, head towards the ceiling deep in thought about something. You traced your eyes over his features; his freckles lightly dusted over his nose, gorgeous green eyes that you could get lost in, and his perfect plump lips that seem as though they were made to perfectly fit with yours like two pieces of a puzzle. Your life was so great right now, you’d got the life you’d always wanted. Almost. 

“Babe?” You snapped Dean out of his daydream and his attention turned to you. He raised his eyebrows at you, encouraging you to continue. 

“Can we go to the store and get some supplies before everyone gets up and back to researching?” You asked. Dean agreed it was a good idea and the two of you set off in the impala to the store, listening to tunes and having a few laughs on the road there. 

You arrived at the store, walking through the doors the air conditioning up above blew yours and Dean’s hairs all over the place, making you both laugh at each other. You continued round the store, finding things you needed in between messing about with each other. When you and Dean went anywhere together, it was always a lot of fun. You both joked around and poked fun at each other so much, an onlooker wouldn’t think you were together because you didn’t behave like a “normal” couple. 

Dean was paying for the stuff, you walked round behind him, you went up on your tippy toes and kissed his cheek from behind. He blushed and shied away. 

“Alright settle down” He dismissed you, making you feel so small. The woman behind the counter held back her laughter as she looked at you, finding it funny that you just got rejected. You walked back to the car together with a lot less fun. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. Up until recently, when you were alone, Dean treated you like you were the only girl in the world, but only at bed time. He treated you like a friend a lot of the time, and it hurt. Compared to how he treated his ex Casey, it was evident that he was more into her. And the more you thought about it, the worse you felt. 

You both sat down in the impala seats, and set off home. He turned the radio on and started to sing along, poking you in your side trying to encourage you to join in. When his actions were met by your swatting hand and he looked across to see your stern face, he pulled the car over not willing to go any further with you in a mood. He got out of the car and waited for you, but when you didn’t move he walked round to the passenger side and opened the door, then proceeded to squat down to be at your eye level. 

“What’s wrong” He asked. You sighed. Were you about to come across as totally needy with what you were about to say? He asked you again.

“You embarrassed me in that store, Dean.” You stated. 


“The way you just brushed me off when I tried to kiss you” A lump formed in your throat as you spoke. Dean meant so much to you and you couldn’t bare to hear him explain this, when you knew the answer would be “i’ve realised i’m not into you” 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m not big on PDA” He said. He was lying to your face. There was no way he wasn’t big on PDA after that massive display him and Casey put on at the bar after that first night. He also used to be more into affection at the beginning, so he was making no sense.

“Don’t lie. You had plenty of public affection for Casey that night.” You spat, still fighting yourself to keep the tears in. He sighed, and bowed his head, taking a few breaths before looking back up to you. 

“There was 2 reasons I was like that at the bar. Casey was so jealous of you. I know we hadn’t seen each other in a while before that hunt, but I still spoke about you a lot and it made her insecure. I was trying to convince her I was into her.” He explained. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to hear about how he was trying to keep another woman happy but will cause you to get upset. 

“Another reason was, I was trying to convince myself, y/n. From the first day we saw you on that hunt, you in your FBI gear, hair pinned back. My god you were beautiful. I liked you so damn much, I was all over Casey, trying to convince myself she was what I wanted, but she wasn’t. You were. And that’s why I broke up with her.” 

A silent tear escaped from your eye, Dean brought his thumb up to your cheek and wiped it away. 

“So what about now?” You asked, looking for further explanation. 

“I’m scared” He said, his voice cracking. He puffed his breath out trying to keep his emotion under control. 


“I don’t know..” He trailed off.

“No. Come on, why?” You stood your ground, you wanted answers. 

“I’m scared of this Y/N!” He shot up, pacing for a few seconds before squatting back down to speak to you. 

“You are so important to me. These past few weeks, I’ve felt different and it’s scaring me. If I show you off, hand in hand, kisses, all the rest, then it’s real. Me and you, we’re real. And that just makes things so much harder with this job and worrying about you or losing you. It kills me.” He stopped, but your look of confusion prompted him to continue. 

“I guess I’ve put up this guard out of fear, because I really am falling for you and if I fall for you, and something happens, then that will end me.” He explained. 

“Well Dean, i’m falling too. And I don’t want to fall alone. If you keep pushing me away, you might lose me anyway” More tears escaped, Dean reached up and cupped your face and placed a gentle kiss to your lips. 

“Are we really doing this? The real deal? All in?” He asked as he pulled back. You nodded your head. 

“Good. Because I love you.” He confessed, beaming ear to ear as he said the words. 

“Me too” You matched his grin and kissed him once more. 

He drove back home and you landed back at Bobby’s in no time. You were sat on the sofa, and took in your surroundings once more. Sam at the stove cooking up some sausages for lunch, Bobby telling him he’s doing it wrong from across the room, the new stack of research books at your feet waiting for you, t and Dean’s perfect features once again. Only this time those plump lips were pressed to your temple, and his strong arms were wrapped around you as you lay together on the couch, his freckle dusted nose leaning against your hair as he breathed you in. You tilted your head up to look at him, smiling as he caught your eye.

“Love you” You mouthed. 

“Love you too.” Dean replied. Now you really did have the life  you always wanted. 

