#sure lets do this



book asks:

  1. book you’ve reread the most times?
  2. top 5 books of all time?
  3. what is your favourite genre?
  4. what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
  5. where do you buy books?
  6. what books have you read in the last month?
  7. is there a series/book that got you into reading?
  8. what is the first book you remember reading yourself?
  9. when do you tend to read most?
  10. do you have a guilty fav?
  11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
  12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
  13. do you have a goodreads?
  14. do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
  15. recommend and review a book.
  16. how many books have you read this year?
  17. top 5 children’s books?
  18. do you like historical books? which time period?
  19. most disliked popular books?
  20. what are things you look for in a book?


Let’s see, we’ve done ice cream OC questions and cat author questions- why not chocolates for WIP questions?

Chocolate Ganache: what made you start writing this wip? was it a trope? a vibe? a character?

Raspberry Filling: share a snippet that means a lot to you personally.

Caramel: tell me a bit about your favorite scene, and why it’s your favorite.

Hazelnut Praline: share an out-of-context line from your wip!

Almond Crunch: what’s your favorite obstacle in your wip? is there anything you’re excited for your characters to overcome? (or notovercome?)

Peanut Butter Filling: share a snippet that really shows a character’s personality. (or: talk about an upcoming scene where their personality will shine!)

White Chocolate: tell me a bit about the happiest moment in your wip.

Milk Chocolate: share one of your favorite bits of dialogue!

Dark Chocolate: tell me a bit about the darkest moment in your wip.

Truffle: share one of your favorite snippets!

Fluff Filling: tell me a bit about the softest relationship in your wip.

Have fun!
