#sure wont answer super fast cuz im gonna go sleep soon but



OC Ask Game

Decided to make one of my own so here we are. I’m not sure what theme exactly I’m going for here—I know that most ask games have a vibe but whatever lmao. Remember to ask a question for the person you reblogged it from! Happy Storyteller Saturday ♡

  1. What vibe do you want an OC to have when you first introduce them? Are there any very specific introduction scenes you have in mind for a particular OC?
  2. Is there a specific genre of music/music artist that reminds you of an OC? Why?
  3. What’s your favourite relationship between two OCs? (Not necessarily romantic—could be anything.) Why?
  4. Who’s your favourite OC? Why? Do you think you would get along with this OC if you met them in real life?
  5. Do you think you have a favourite OC “trope” or type of character?
  6. On the same vein, do you have a favourite type of relationship to write, whether it’s sibling relationships/romantic relationships/close friendships/enemies, or some kind of trope, like popular kid/nerd?
  7. Do you enjoy choosing your OC’s favourite style of clothing and fashion? Why/why not? Which of your OCs has your favourite clothes style?
  8. Is the cast of OCs in your WIP particularly close-knit, or are they all spread out and far away from each other? Is it somewhere in between?
  9. Do you have a favourite WIP, or just a WIP that’s closest to your heart or you feel defines you? Why/why not?
  10. Ramble about an OC! Say whatever you want about them and go on as long as you like ♡