#susan kay



Making breakfast and got to thinking about Eriks owning alexas

Cherik: does not own an Alexa. Likes to pretend he does so he goes “Alexa, play x” and then manually plays the song. Christine thinks that’s kinda cute.

Merik: owns an Alexa. Talks to it while sewing sequins to his cape. Wants to put it in the mannequin but has not gotten around to it

Kerik: doesn’t own an Alexa. Does not want one “do I look like I would willingly bug my own home Christine?!”

Lerik: owns an alexa. Disassembled it on the first day to stick it in a singing wall fish. Christine hates it.

“Do you ever feel….. l'ennui….. Erik?”

Have some more of the scary sultana, since she’s fun to draw and nobody else’s doing it so *shrugs*

The Rosy Hours of Mazandaran, shorthand for “angry cougar gets the hots for a corpse.”
