#suzanne heathcote has got to own this book i mean jfc


The Lovers card also comes up for people in long-term relationships, often when the choice to leave or not to leave has arisen. More than just a ticket to ride the hot sex high-way, the Lovers is about making choices. An important aspect of this card speaks not of love but of building up your personal value system and figuring out who you are and what you believe in. It’s interesting that such a theme would be paired with the Tarot’s major love card, but it makes sense. If anything has the power to challenge our personal ethics, it’s the lure of attraction. In recovery circles, the biggest threat to a newly sober individual is said to be “romance and finance.” If the Lovers card has come up for you, you may be trying to make a romantic decision using the barometer of your morality. Is the person you are intrigued with already committed? Are you? Is it an office or academic situation, with a host of potential problems, that has piqued your interest? Is the object of your affections somehow off-limits—perhaps a close friend? Maybe you know the person you’re drawn to isn’t good for you, or maybe isn’t a good person at all, and you’re trying to figure out how you can indulge your powerful attraction without really letting this person in. Romantic complications present endless possibilities. What the Lovers card always wants you to do is take the high road—which is challenging. In fact, science has shown that obstacles placed before lovers only increase the brain chemicals that make them want each other so badly.

-Excerpt from Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea
