#sweet family feels


Day 5!!! We are just going here on @inukag-week

Rated T for language


Moroha splashed the water around her, giggling and screaming in an almost deafening screech of joy from her fun in the hot spring. How it didn’t bother her sensitive dog ears, Inuyasha had no idea.

“Do you like that Moroha?” Kagome laughed, holding their six month old baby under her arms to keep her shoulders up above the water, while she was turning her face away to try and shield herself from the flying water their daughter was flinging everywhere. 

“Dadadadadadada!!” Moroha babbled, leaning forward away from Kagome as if she was about to just jump out of her mother’s hold, straight into the steaming water.

“No, it’s ‘Mama,’” Inuyasha tried to correct, offering his fingers for Moroha to take, which she did with a loud piercing squeal of excitement, trying to pull herself closer to him, away from Kagome.

“Dadadadadada!!!” Moroha said again in full giggles.

“It’s easier for her to say ‘Dada’ first,” Kagome explained, her face soft, loving, and beautiful. The way she looked at their daughter–the way she looked at him with her sparkling gray eyes made his heart race. 

Never before Kagome had entered his life, had he thought he would not only be accepted, but that acceptance included a family. Friends. A home. A village that actually enjoyed him being around–a village that actually blessed his marriage to a miko, and then brought gifts to celebrate the birth of their daughter.

It was a strange feeling–a strange life in comparison to what he had been living…

A dream really.

Sometimes he wondered if he had ever woken up from when Kikyo shot him.

Or if he died on Kagome’s lap the first night he shared his secret with her.

Or if he died from heartbreak from their separation.

But then moments like these, moments alone with his wife–Inuyasha knew he could imagine shit, but damn. Even on their worst days, he could never have imagined being as happy as he was with Kagome and their beautiful shihanyou baby girl. 

“You sure she don’t just like me better?” Inuyasha teased, taking Moroha from her, his initial smirk on his face spreading into a face splitting grin as their daughter cooed and kept up her jabbering as if she was telling him all about her long day of sleeping, eating, napping, and then eating some more.

“Mmmm, could be that too,” Kagome hummed, completely unaffected by his teasing as she moved to lean her head against his shoulder.

“I was just kiddin’, Kagome,” Inuyasha said gently, trying to comfort her even though he noticed she wasn’t phased in the slightest, but bringing their baby girl against his chest, splaying her hand against her belly to hold her up as she continued to play, he brought his other arm around his wife to have her in his embrace as well.

“Oh, I know,” Kagome replied, lifting her head so he could see the mischief in her eyes. “Unless your breasts make milk, I’m pretty sure we know exactly who her favorite person is at meal time.”

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, but leaned down to kiss his mate sweetly, earning him a very approving hum. “I’ll let you keep that skill.”

“Figures,” Kagome huffed, a smile still etched on her face as she turned her attention back to Moroha. “Should we wash your hair, baby?”

“Dadadadadada!!!” Moroha squealed happily, making Kagome laugh at her antics as she began to rinse her hair with water, cupping her hands to draw water into them and then dropping it over Moroha’s head. Their baby girl yipped and howled in laughter, shaking her hair and her fluffy ears to get some of the water off, and then began to pull to get into her mother’s hold again.

“Well, hold on now!” Inuyasha warned, trying to keep her still so Kagome could wash her up with the soaps and oils she’d made. “After she’s done, kiddo! Hold still,” Inuyasha pleaded as she chuckled from their wild child’s struggles to claw her way back to Kagome. His wife wasn’t phased in the least, and kept washing her as if she could predict exactly where their daughter would flail her arms next.

After returning to the past, Kagome had really taken to studying with Kaede and Sango more about this world and finding her place within it,

Although, Inuyasha made it clear her place was by his side, just like his was by her.

It didn’t take them long to be married, but they’d waited a while before talking about kids. Inuyasha felt a little selfish, just wanting Kagome all to himself, soaking in her presence again after she had been ripped away from him for years… But his wonderful wife and mate wanted to wait, as well. 

Even after they did decide to try, Inuyasha found he was a little nervous about being a father–he was such a dick to Shippo, it was Kagome’s natural mothering skills that made up for his shittiness. Shippo didn’t really hold it against him as he had just joined a make-shift-forced-family when everyone was suffering with the hands they had been dealt. 

Kagome had reassured him every step of the way, comforting him about Shippo and making him realize he did well and that Shippo loved them as a son would his parents. And when they finally succeeded in trying, a baby finally growing in her body, Kagome talked him through her pregnancy, even when he was a nervous goddamn wreck. Shippo was also oddly very supportive, excited for the new pup to spoil and pass down some of his he’d gotten from Kagome, and someone to play with who hopefully wouldn’t pull on his tail.

The birth of their daughter was probably the worst out of everything; typically men weren’t present during that time, but he demanded to be, and thankfully, his wife was alright and more than happy with his presence, pleading him to be there for her even with Kaede’s disagreements. There was just so much blood, and Kagome had been so strong, but he could smell her pain and she was just so weak after.

But the happiness that radiated from his wife, and the wonder that filled him, the love that was instantaneous the moment his infant daughter was placed in his arms–the perfect blend of him and his wife–black hair like her mother, black dog ears, amber eyes like him, and then youki and reiki from the both of them. Her name came so naturally–Moroha. Double-edged. 

Inuyasha had vowed he would be there every step of the way for Kagome and Moroha: in the middle of the night when she cried and needed comfort, in the day when Kagome needed a moment to herself, during the evening so Kagome could cook dinner if she wanted a break, or even just emotional and physical support when she breast-fed their daughter, letting her lean back on him as he held them close and savored the moment as a family. 

“Come here, Moroha,” Kagome cooed, holding her hands out for their freshly cleaned and lathered baby. Inuyasha let her go once Kagome had their girl in her grasp and Moroha giggled, making Kagome laugh as well, her gray eyes sparkling with joy looking at their baby girl. “You love baths, don’t you?”

“Just like her mother,” Inuyasha chuckled, sinking down into the water a little further, keeping his arm draped around his girls, bringing them closer to him.

“I think you like baths more now that we bathe together.”

“Fuck yeah I do, I get to see my mate naked and dripping wet with water,” Inuyasha joked and half-expected a slap from Kagome but she merely sighed happily and rubbed her head against his chest as Moroha continued to splash in the water.

“I have to admit, visiting hot springs after we got married definitely got better. I actually already thought that was the best treat the Feudal era had to offer, but you proved me wrong, husband.” Her words lingered and he wanted to steal another taste of her lips, but Moroha’s incessant babbling made her turn her head downward to see what their daughter was trying to say and sighed, realizing it was dinner time and that it was time to go. “One day you’ll let us enjoy this a little longer–you’ll appreciate the water for allllllll that it is, right, Moroha?”

“Come on, let’s get you girls home,” Inuyasha said, lifting them from the water and then taking Moroha so Kagome could dress. Once she was clothed, she took Moroha and dressed her as Inuyasha threw on his hakama and kosode, leaving his haori off and draping it over his wife to cover her and their daughter, shielding them from the chill the evening brought. The hanyou lifted his family in his arms and carried them home, walking in a slower pace initially, letting Kagome feed their baby girl. Moroha finished her hunger off quickly, and then began to murmur tiredly. Inuyasha moved quicker, so he and Kagome could lay their daughter down and snuggle her to sleep and let sleep take them as well, so when Moroha woke in the middle of the night, Inuyasha could take the first watch and feed her with the soft foods she was starting to try, and then Kagome could take the second and let her feed from her breast.

Parenting was hard, tiring, but shit, it was the best fucking adventure Inuyasha had ever taken, and it was even fucking better with Kagome by his side, supporting him and their baby girl every step and misstep along the way.
