#sweetkingdomstarlight blog



fear is the heart of love

Characters - Yandere!Reader and Mickey Henry

Warnings - Dark Reader Fic, Stalking, Non Con Voyeurism, Masturbation and Fingering (not graphic), Violence, Obsession

a/n - This is something completely new for me and I’m back in my dark zone, written entirely in first person and with a dark reader. I got the prompt “I love you more than anything” from @musingsinmoonlight for her 1k challenge and with a little help from @navybrat817@dreamlessinparisand@sweeterthanthis I created this. Sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting Suz

words - 1397

I don’t do tag lists so please follow @sweetkingdoms-library for updates or go to my AO3and subscribe

The cafe was busy, filled with groups of friends meeting for brunch, older couples sitting in peace enjoying the sun’s heat against their skin and then there was me.

I sat in the corner, the ice in my coffee slowly melting as I pretended to read my book. I kept my eyes on Mickey a few tables over as he talked with the woman from last night, gesticulating wildly as he told her a story about his friend. The sun glinted off the rings he never seemed to take off, the rings that I could still feel against my skin, a memory from when he lovingly gripped my hips a few nights ago.

I was in Athens with work, helping them open a new office when I met Mickey. He was DJing at a bar I had been taken to and I was instantly smitten, his boyish smile and energetic dancing had me hooked. He fought off a dark-haired girl who was standing to the side of his decks, seemingly desperate for his attention and made his way over to me.

Keep reading

Ahh! The delusion behind this reader is incredible. Easily writing off Mickey’s behavior. And that ending. Yes!!! ❤️
