#swtor cathar


(Dictated by my daughter)

Today we played CattGirl.

There is her pretty self.

She called the monster “Mr. Poopy Butt”. 

She’s resting now. CattGirl likes other stuff than just fighting bad guys. CattGirl likes to dance and sing and color. She sings really nice. Like “Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh”. (Daughter proceeds to improv a little song about being nice)

CattGirl wanted two lightsabers like Ahsoka. She looks so pretty but I wish she was smiling. She couldn’t get lightsabers. There was a bug.

(The bug prompted a rage-quit. I totally don’t blame her, not getting those lightsabers was disappointing! My daughter is now drawing a picture of CattGirl and her cat husband and a cat baby.)

EDIT: Here is the picture:

CattGirl has been getting up to some shenanigans on Nar Shadaa. No, not thoseshenanigans. Just totally normal stuff. Like stomping on the plants.

“They’ll grow back in a few minutes.”


Also jumping through the pretty trees.


Asking important questions. Like “WHY IS JABBA WEARING THAT RIDICULOUS HAT??!”


And even meeting a few new friends. My daughter took a particular shine to Holiday because “She has a nice voice.” Tharan Cedrax, on the other hand, she found “quite rude” for suggesting CattGirl send Qyzen away “because we don’t send away our friends”.


Also, watch out. “Ew. Pee pee.”


My daughter was thrilled that there was a mechanic that allowed her to give Qyzen a gift. She insisted on buying two, “in case he breaks one” and made sure I kept quiet while she was “surprising him” with his presents.


Around this point, My daughter noticed another player riding a bantha and it absolutely DELIGHTED her. She insisted that CattGirl chase him (I tried to keep a respectful distance) They made it as far as the taxi pad before the poor guy (and his bantha) got away. 


My daughter declared that CattGirl needs a bantha, too. As it happened, I have some old purchases from long, long ago squirreled away in my stash. I told her if I had a bantha, she could have it.

Turns out, I had one bantha. So I let CattGirl take it. CattGirl has a bantha now. 


“I’m going to name him Isabela!”

What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t make fanart of my daughter’s first game character? Here’s a

What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t make fanart of my daughter’s first game character? Here’s a quick CattGirl! And a rainbow because my daughter loves rainbows.

I’ve documented CattGirl’s adventures here :)

Post link

For those of you following the thrilling exploits of CattGirl, you may recall that last time a bug prevented CattGirl from completing the “Training in the Force” mission. My daughter was very much looking forward to having two lightsabers (”like Ahsoka”) and was extremely bummed about the bug. And we can’t have that, now, can we?

So, like any dutiful parent, I looked it up on google. And while others had experienced the bug, I saw nothing about fixes. The only difference I noticed between CattGirl and my other characters who had completed the mission without issue was that my subscription had run out. How about that.

And… out came the credit card, and for the price of one renewed subscription (which means, oooooh noooo I’m going to have to play this game I love and get my money’s worth, what a shaaaame) I can report that CattGirl now officially wields two lightsabers.

Like Ahsoka.
