#sympathy for the devil

nixcomix1:“Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 5 - Inherent ViolenceKylo’s given in to his fate, watchinnixcomix1:“Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 5 - Inherent ViolenceKylo’s given in to his fate, watchinnixcomix1:“Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 5 - Inherent ViolenceKylo’s given in to his fate, watchin


“Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 5 - Inherent Violence

Kylo’s given in to his fate, watching over humanity with a jaded eye as the Force continues its destruction… until Rey’s life is at risk. Now, all the walls that hold him back have shattered. What happens now?


Art by me. 

I love this story and the accompanying illustrations on each page!! It’s very different, not a HEA necessarily (I don’t think it will be), but it’s thought provoking and very different from anything in Reylo World that I’ve read. Author is new to me, but I really like her writing!  Recommend highly!

If you can, please reblog. It’s sad seeing all the work that has gone into this and that it’s falling under the radar.  At least check out the art, even if the story doesn’t appeal to you - as you can see from the story plates, it’s worth it! 

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Sympathy for clever devil Mick Jagger

The Rolling Stones perform *Sympathy For The Devil" in 1968


“The Hellacopters and Papa Emeritus IV - Sympathy for The Devil - live På spåret 2021”

Amazing performance by Papa Emeritus IV!!!

I love antique books. “The Sorrows of Satan” by Marie Corelli was one the world’s first bestsellers in 1895. Critics hated it but the public ate it up due to its prosaic style. In its day, the book even outsold Dickens and Conan-Doyle. I can’t help but think it’s widely unknown today because the author was a woman.

Fun fact: the name Mavis was invented for and popularised by this book. Many critics view the character Mavis Clare as a surrogate for the author, Marie Corelli.

Sono stata in forneria per prendere il pane a mia mamma ed ho gettato le commesse nel panico per il 666. Si è aperto un dibattito su numeri ed invocazioni demoniache basato prettamente sulla superstizione.

Ma poi, se invochi il diavolo con il pane arabo morbidone, cosa vuoi che succeda?

Povero Diavolo, mai nessuno che lo voglia incontrare.

june 11,  1968During a recording session while The Rolling Stones are working on “Sympathy For

june 11,  1968

During a recording session while The Rolling Stones are working on “Sympathy For The Devil,” a fire breaks out in the studio. While many are quick to blame Lucifer, the blaze is actually caused by a light being used by a camera crew documenting the sessions.

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