#syrian strikes


All Americans condemn the atrocities in Syria, but sensitive and emotional times like these are why the Founding Fathers wanted a deliberate and thoughtful discussion before the United States got into war.

Written by Sen. Rand Paul for Fox News:

Every American condemns the atrocities in Syria, and we cannot help but be shaken by the images of innocent women and children dying.  It is also true that often in foreign policy, things are not as simple as they appear, and actions often have consequences well beyond the obvious.

It is for this very reason that the Founders wanted a deliberate, thoughtful foreign policy, and when military action was needed, they wanted it debated and authorized by Congress.

Make no mistake, no matter who is president or what their party is, it is my firm belief that the president needs congressional authorization for military action, as required by the Constitution. I call on this president to come to Congress for a proper debate over our role in Syria, just as I did in 2013 when President Obama contemplated acting in Syria. …

Before any act of war, we should have a serious and thoughtful debate over the ramifications.

In Syria – what is our goal?  What happens if we depose Assad?  Will the Islamist rebels, as they have threatened, turn their weapons and attention elsewhere, including Israel next door?

I will hold accountable and oppose the actions of any president who takes military action without proper legal authority and congressional consent.

Read the entire article here.
