#taako the adventure zone


Taako Taaco

I preordered the Pedals to the Metal book a while ago and now I moved so here’s hoping it comes. It’s also addressed to Lord Voldemort so that’s fun

(Based on this post by @questbedhead)Full image description below cut!Image Description: A long form(Based on this post by @questbedhead)Full image description below cut!Image Description: A long form(Based on this post by @questbedhead)Full image description below cut!Image Description: A long form

(Based on this post by@questbedhead)

Full image description below cut!

Image Description: A long form comic including three pages, all set in a dingy necromancy store and illustrated in a cartoony, fully-colored and shaded style.

In the first panel, a hooded figure sits behind a desk with his back to us.

In the second panel, we see part of his face which has a big sly smile on it as he looks over his shoulder. Behind him, a door opens with the ring of a small silver bell.

In the next panel he spins around in his chair and says: “Welcome to Blood-Bath and beyond, your home for necromantic wares! Anything I can help you find–”

Next: “…Today?” he finishes, seemingly dumbfounded. In the middle of the frame are three new people. Barry Bluejeans is in the middle, he is a white middle aged chubby man with brown and grey hair, stubble, and wearing a white shirt, brown coat and glasses. To the left is Taako, a dark skinned elf with straight choppy dark brown hair died lavender at the bottom, wearing a large purple wizards hat, a purple cape with gold stars, a frilled shirt and high-wasted pants. To the right is Lup, a dark skin elven woman with a face identical to Taako’s but with longer curly dark brown hair died red at the tips, and wearing a wine red wide-brimmed hat and wine red dress. The twins each are resting an arm on one of Barry’s shoulders, framing him.

In the next frame, Barry has a finger resting on his chin as he says “Uh… yes, I’m looking for a spell book with level 12 or higher spells.”

Next is a close-up of the shopkeeper’s eye, squinting forwards with a thought bubble that says: “Level 12?”

Next is the same close-up of the shopkeeper’s eye, only this time it is wide and looking up past Barry.

Next is a frame of just Taako and Lup, with Barry just slightly out of frame. Taako covers his hand as if to whisper something to Lup as they both look judgmentally in the direction of the shopkeeper. A speech bubble comes from offscreen as the shopkeeper says “Right away, sir.”

Starting the second page is a frame of the shopkeeper dropping a large book onto the table in front of him. The book looks to be stitched together from skin, with a large green eye-shaped jewel on the front cover and small fangs on the spine.

Next, Barry has picked up the book and is looking at it with a smile of curiosity as he says “Oh, neat!” The twins both peer over his shoulder as the shopkeeper looks at the three startled.

Next is a close up of Barry’s hand sliding a collection of very different looking coins across the table, including some golden hoops, a silver perforated coin with a dragon emblem, a pale blue coin, a canadian loonie, and a thin gold bar with line markings on it (it’s not a loss easter egg don’t worry about it)

The next panel is shot from over the shopkeeper’s shoulder. Barry excitedly shows an interested but calm Lup something in the book as Taako rolls a bunch of teeth around in one hand, bored. The shopkeeper thinks: “Who is this guy?!”

Next is a panel showing half of the shopkeeper’s face, the border of the panel cutting him off vertically as he stares forwards intently.

The next panel is exactly the same, except he has narrowed his eye, the pupil now glowing, as the words “true sight” are spelled above him

In the next panel, Barry is shot from the neck up, looking excitedly at something offscreen.

Next is the form of Barry’s red robe litch form, shot from the exact same position as the previous panel. He glows a faint red, the inside of his hood empty and black save for two glowing white eyes.

Starting the next page the shopkeeper recoils in surprise, his thought bubble reading: “A litch!” In the foreground, Barry and the twins are starting to leave, Taako dropping the coins Barry had paid for the book with into a small bag.

Next the shopkeeper lunges forwards with urgency, shouting “WAIT!”

Next, “Who are you?!” he shouts at the trio. Barry is looking over his shoulder at the shopkeeper, and Lup had put her arm over his shoulder.

Next is a very close shot of the bottom of Barry’s face, his mouth in a null position.

Next is the same close up shot of the bottom of Barry’s face, only this time he has a large sly smile on his face.

Next is a medium shot of Barry, he has a big gentle smile on his face, his eyes closed and one hand up in a polite wave as he says “Name’s Barry Bluejeans!”

In the final panel, the shopkeeper lays passed out over his desk, a small cartoon of a round ghost floating away from his body as the door in the back of the room closes. A small creature sits on his desk, eating the chocolate gelt which had been swapped out for the real coins.

End Image Description.

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Another animatic, this time from the recent TAZ: Imbalance episode!!

@blupjeansweek day 6: Family[ID: A digital illustration of the seven birds from the adventure zone c

@blupjeansweek day 6: Family

[ID: A digital illustration of the seven birds from the adventure zone chilling in a pillow and blanket fort.

Lup is a tan skinned elven woman with dark brown hair done up in two buns with bun covers. She is wearing circular glasses, an oversized shirt with the IPRE symbol on it, and cookie-monster print PJ pants and is holding a mug decorated with cheezy flames and is sitting in Barry’s lap. Barry is a fat pale skinned human man with short brown hair and rectangular glasses, wearing a weezer shirt, boxers with prints of tiny pairs of jeans on them, and is holding a green mug with the face of a creeper from minecraft printed on it. He looks over at Taako, a tan skinned elven man with brown choppy hair dyed lavender halfway down and wearing a face mask, head band and a purple house coat, who has one hand on Barry’s shoulder while the other reaches for a box of cookies Magnus is holding out of reach, a frustrated look on his face. Magnus is a dark skinned heavily built human man with straight choppy black hair and black sideburns, wearing a tank top with the gravity falls pine tree symbol on it and red plaid-print PJ pants. In his free hand he holds a beige mug printed with Polynesian artwork stylized fish, as he leans away from Taako and pushes him away with his other foot.

Davenport is a pale skinned lightly built gnome with cochlear implants, short ginger hair and a large ginger mustache, and wearing navy-blue star-print PJs, who sits calmly in front of Magnus, painting his nails and looking up at the commotion. In front of Davenport is Merle, a dark skinned chubby dwarven man who lays splayed on a pillow, his eyes closed, grey hair in a bun and medium beard well groomed, holding a mug depicting a potted plant wearing lingerie and wearing two-piece PJs printed with cannabis leafs. Across from the two is Lucrecia, a dark skinned human woman with medium length black curly hair wearing rectangular glasses, a pink shirt with a cat on it, purple PJ pants, a wrist brace, and holding a mug with the lesbian flag on it. She also looks over at the commotion, smiling softly.

In the background, decorative strings of lights illuminate a fort of pillows, blankets, and couch cushions. END]

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hhhhhh I gave up on this one because I don’t think it’s getting any better than it already is lol

Anyways, decided I wanted to try a lip sync for the first time ever and doing so with a still head would be too easy, of course I had to make it ridiculously difficult on myself oops
