#taakos my fave cause he always has that moment u know

[id: a three-panel comic of taako from the adventure zone’s halloween special. taako is a dark-skinn[id: a three-panel comic of taako from the adventure zone’s halloween special. taako is a dark-skinn[id: a three-panel comic of taako from the adventure zone’s halloween special. taako is a dark-skinn

[id: a three-panel comic of taako from the adventure zone’s halloween special. taako is a dark-skinned elf with curly black hair badly dyed blonde. he is dressed like captain ron for halloween: white tank top, plaid swim shorts, shell necklace and a dollop of sunblock on his nose. the panels depict taako grinning brightly with his hands on his hips, saying, “hey! good news! i’ve decided to reconsider the job offer!” then he leans forward, balancing a hand on his knee, his smile turning dangerous, drawls, “and i stiiiiiiiiiill-” the final panel shows taako doing a cheeky handstand while sunburst explodes in the background, bold text reading, “-DON’T WANNNA DO IT”]

thinkin about how they were in costume during the whole live ep. who the fuck is captain ron

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