#taehyung yandere




Toxic: Teaser

Summary: Taehyung would do anything to make you his.

Teaser Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: yandere, toxic behavior, obsession, stalking, nonconsensual pornography, phone sex, masturbation, use of stolen panties?

Taehyung had just stepped out of the shower when his phone rang. He groaned and trudged over to answer it, his eyebrows raising along with the corner of his lip when he saw your name flash across the screen. Ever since he’d come to your rescue that night at your apartment, you’d been contacting him more, wanting to be around him more. You’d visit his desk more often, coming up with questions you already knew the answer to, creating problems and asking him for help because IT takes way too long. 


“Hey, Tae. What are you up to?” 

“Just got out of the shower, so I’m about to get dressed. You?”

You paused, the mental image of him in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, hanging low and exposing his v-line, droplets of water slowly dripping down his tanned skin… you swallowed.

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