


taemin spent early november cashing in on some of his vacation time– first week completed, spent with his girlfriend who immediately fled the country following her withdrawal from luxe. once he heard the news, he naturally wanted to see her as soon as possible, and she wanted to get away from any cameras and media outlets catching wind of her departure. it was only following the announcement of a lighter evaluation this month that he really saw his opportunity to join her in her travels and took it, for once, letting her pay for everything, not worrying about it himself.

now, returning back to regular life, he feels a bit detached. it’s strange, knowing jiwon isn’t even a trainee anymore, let alone an idol; there’s part of him that’s finally let out a breath he’s been holding for about a year now, ever since her odds of ending up in luxe seemed high. now, he doesn’t need to worry about ruining her career or reputation, and yet now…it’s just him chasing this dream. he feels a new absence, even though technically, jiwon is more in reach now than previously. now, it’ll be her waiting on him instead, and that’s something that never sat well with him. he doesn’t know what this means for him, in the grand scheme of everything, but something feels different; he feels different. 

mr kim, his dance instructor, must know him well enough to tell when something is off, so he gives him a unique assignment during his dance lesson for the day: interrupt one of the new trainees’ practice time, and give her feedback on her dancing. it’s supposed to be an exercise in his own abilities– to notice mistakes, areas of improvement, and offer criticism, but he thinks it’s just as much an attempt to push him toward socializing. apparently, chungha’s dance instructor is in on this plan– part of it, even, and taemin wouldn’t be surprised if mr kim is her dance teacher too, and just hasn’t owned up to it.

the instructor tells taemin where to find her and he’s off, wandering down kt’s halls toward his destination, and when he arrives, he opens the door quietly, careful not to interrupt anything. when he catches the new trainee’s attention, he bows to her in greeting. “my dance instructor told me i was supposed to find you and give you feedback on your dancing,” he explains, figuring it’s best to get out with it early. “i’m taemin!”

@rkchungha – *

though kt had been a learning experience, chungha can’t help but feel as if there’s many similarities between a big and small company. of course the practise rooms are plentiful, larger and well kept. chungha didn’t need to stay to clean the rooms herself and it seems that members of the opposite sex were able to mingle with one another freely. it was a nice atmospheric change.

kt was one of the biggest companies in the industry. she knows she shouldn’t go in thinking things would be the same as they were in sm but her comparisons were what was keeping her afloat. she figures formal speech is a lot more serious here as well as punishments. she knew she had to be on her best behaviour. even the classes themselves were more intense.

though she’s marketed as a dancer, she’s not so dance crazy that four and a half hours of dance lessons every weekday sounds fun. in fact it sounded like a form of torture. regardless, she knew she had to do it. it was fun in the sense that she liked the community aspect of it: she liked dancing with other trainees and she was eager to learn but hell was she exhausted. it was so early in the day too. it made her want to do nothing and nap.

it made a lot more sense why kt groups are such excellent dancers though.

chungha was in the middle of perfecting the short choreography she’s learned for the day when she noticed that someone had joined her. she locked onto his reflection in the mirrored wall, slowing to a stop before she turned to him. he was a senior trainee, that much was obvious. she had to endure the same at kt with senior trainees dropping in while they were practising. hell, at some point she was the senior trainee looking in at newer ones. she was no stranger to this tactic. although her mind immediately rebuttals ‘shouldn’t the instructors be doing that?’ her face is kind. she couldn’t disrespect a senior.

taemin. she knew who he was. “ah, seonho mentioned you!” she bowed deeply, as would be expected of “fresh meat” like her. “it’s nice to meet you, taemin sunbaenim.” she takes a moment before she introduces herself. “my name is kim chanmi.” she may as well have to go by her real name for now. though some people call her chungha already.

“should i show you what we’ve been working on so far, then?”
