#tag later



tom holland x fem!reader


Summary: Your boyfriend’s been gone for months and your fears start to catch up with you.

Words: 2.7k

WarningsSMUT 18+[soft and emotional, fingering, unprotected sex, talk about penetration without being wet enough?(initiated by the reader, doesn’t happen though), aftercare]angst,abandonment issues, lots of pet names, crying, feeling alone, secret relationship, talking about moving in together

A/N: this one feels pretty personal. so yeah. i hope you like it. enjoy!!

Feedback is always appreciated❤️


The urge to declutter always hits you at the most random and inconvenient times. And for some reason, you can’t just leave it be. You always have to give in to the urge. 

So now you’re sitting on your bedroom floor, a couple boxes placed in a half-circle around you while you go through the contents. Old concert tickets and boarding passes are scattered on the floor already as you reach into the box again to pull out an old photo album. It’s filled to the brim with photos you took with all your friends in high school. 

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sink or swim| tom holland

summary: with your family restaurant close to vanishing, a surfing competition arrives along with a sketchy family. wrapped up in a series of trials and tribulations with your two best friends, you try your hardest to keep everyone on this island happy. - surfer!tom, fwb/best friends to lovers au

word count: 22K

warnings:the general angst of being in a fwb type relationship, swearing, mention of psychical/emotional abuse, a lot of surf talk, and it gets frisky. this fic is nsfw so minors please don’t read!!! — otherwise, it’s a very angst fic that deals with a lot of emotions. (if anyone is going thru or is going thru some of the acts that are mentioned in this story, ill leave some numbers so you can call and my dms/ask box is always open.)

us hotline|uk hotline|the globehotline

a/n: i had so much fun writing this au!! i know i haven’t been the best at providing content but i really hope this fic can make up for it. i want to say a huge thank you to @neonparkersand@bvttercupbby for helping me out, cheering me on and helping me map out the fic. i’d also like to give credit to @blissfulparker for introducing me to surfer!tom. (please check out her wipeout fic)! + @hollandsmushroom for beta reading<3 i really hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i liked writing it, feedback is much appreciated <3 

+++extended warnings: smut. f + m receiving. cam cording, and exhibitionism. if i have missed anything please let me know.

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“He had the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise.”

— Isabel Allende, The House of The Spirits(viaantigonick)


you’re in her dms i’m in her lucid dreams. we are not the same


“No one was to blame for what happened… it was all a matter of missed connections, bad timing, blundering in the dark. We were always in the right place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, always just missing each other, always just a few inches from figuring the whole thing out. That’s what the story boils down to, I think. A series of lost chances. All the pieces were there from the beginning, but no one knew how to put them together.”

Paul Auster,Moon Palace


i need to get laid¹


¹gently, in the cold, dark earth


me as a detective walking up to look at a dead body: ok first of all, big mood,

Hey do y'all like uhh.. evil and rude fairies n fish? Meant 2 post this forever ago but forgot uwu


this took me forever I’m lit begging you to tap for quality

Anyways here’s the clean version



How Puffballs/Astrals/Orbs/Eldritch abominations carry around their babies, a helpful guide.

Having a spherical body with short limbs gives some unique challenges for day-to-day life, especially when carrying another smaller orb with you.

Still, the puffballs are very careful with their young and will often go to great lengths to ensure they’re safe and sound. Especially after the war against Nightmare began and their populations dimmed.

Baby baskets are the most common solution for travelling parents, they’re light, keep the hands free, practical and relatively easy to make/repair. The straps are angled and often have ways to regulate their length, and the contraption as a whole can be made of almost anything flexible. Still, regular baskets aren’t suited to flying at high speeds, so caretakers are advised to keep flights slow and avoid fights. Astrals with children are relatively vulnerable and rely on other group members for protection.

Older children also hang out on their parents’ backs without the basket, their hands/paws are stronger and they can safely hold on to older orbs even during flight. Teens are rarely seen doing this as well, particularly during stressful/dangerous situations.

Strollers are more present in astral towns since nomadic groups find them too heavy and impractical to carry around. The stroller’s main advantage is that it can carry multiple puffs at once (which is already rare) and gives more protection and comfort than the baskets. They can vary a lot in shape and size, but often have a spherical shape overall.

Although travellers don’t usually have strollers, it’s not unheard of for them to just build a makeshift one whenever the need arises… or when they just wanna go really fast and are tired of carrying kids on their back.

And lastly, “I’ve been juggling parenting, my job, my hobbies, my duty as a knight, and saving the world, and also haven’t slept in 73 hours”, Meta Knight’s favourite.

(Credit to @otaku553​ for the name “astrals” go check out their blog!)
