#tag later


2022 Russian Championship Beam & Floor Medallists.


the feminine urge to fall in love with anyone who has the ability to genuinely make me laugh



openly supporting dave chapelle, and then bringing him out as a surprise guest at your show, thus subjecting any trans people in the audience to hate speech, is a reprehensible thing to do, and my sympathies are very much with any trans people in the audience. however, i will say that as someone who started listening to john mulaney’s stand up in 2013, there have always been bigoted aspects of his work, especially ableist and racist jokes, that went unchallenged by fans for far too long. if you, as a white, able bodied trans person, supported john mulaney through his blaccent, his bit about being mistaken for asian, and his use of ableist slurs, but now transphobia is the last straw, ask yourself why.

Please don’t ignore that the basis of his comedy has been antisemitism and sexism. Leaving those bigoted aspects out when they make up the bulk of his comedy is very bad!





Apparently Kylo Ren fans don’t acknowledge them enough. So I made a list. I’m sure I forgot a bunch, still. I feel bad already.


(you can also play a fun game: try and find my typos I’m not fixing)

This is my favorite post ever

The funniest one is: Ash (You know what I’m talking about)

why is this whole post nothing but “footage not found” jpegs?



obi-wan sneaking around the death star + the pink panther theme song

If you didn’t lose your shit at that very first chord you’re lying

#tag later    
falloutconfessions:“Coming back to New Vegas made me realize that my crush on Vulpes Inculta never w


“Coming back to New Vegas made me realize that my crush on Vulpes Inculta never went away.”

Fallout Confessions


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adira-tyree: Vulpes: A Space Oddity.


Vulpes: A Space Oddity.

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timtamburch: ARE YOU NASTY?timtamburch: ARE YOU NASTY?timtamburch: ARE YOU NASTY?timtamburch: ARE YOU NASTY?



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adira-tyree: brofligate:adira-tyree: Someone with a gift for Photoshop needs to turn that necklace i




Someone with a gift for Photoshop needs to turn that necklace into a Mark of Caesar, asap.

Brofligate you are the best person ever!!

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twitblr:But our safety, security and survival is not considered urgent. (x)


But our safety, security and survival is not considered urgent. (x)

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trickstertime:dresshistorynerd:im-the-princess-now:paula-of-christ:dailyhistorymemes: The Choctaw-Ir






The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood(via)

I love stuff like this. Didn’t a tribe in Africa send America some cows after 9/11? Like this is holy and the most valuable thing we have. We hear your suffering and want to do anything in our power to help

It was not a potato famine. The famine didn’t happen because of the potato yeald failing. Ireland was actually producing more than enough food. However it was almost all land owned by Brittish landowners, who took all of the food out of the country to sell in UK. Potato was what the Irish farmers ate, because it was cheep and could be produced in worst parts of the land, where more profitable food couldn’t be grown. When there were no longer potatos, the decision for the farmers was to either starve and sent the food as rent to the landlords or loose their homes and then starve.

The Brittish goverment was unwilling to do anything for two reasons. First was the laissez-faire capitalistic ideology, that put the rights of property owners to make profits above human lives. Rent freeze was unthinkable and they even were unwilling to do proper relief efforts as free food would lower the cost of food. The second reason was distain for the Irish, and the thought that they were “breeding too much” and the famine was a natural way to trim down the population, aka genocidal reasoning.

This is why it’s important to stress it was not a potato famine. The potato blinght was all over Europe but only in Ireland there was a famine. The reasons behind it had nothing to do with potatos and everything to do with the Brittish.

Apparently what made Choctaw want to offer relief to Irish was the news about the Doolough Tragedy. Hundreds of starving people were gathered for inspection to verify they were entitled to recieve relief. The officials would for *some reason* not do that and instead left to a hunting lodge 19 kilometers away to spend the night and said to the starvqing people they would have to walk there by morning to be inspected. The weather conditions were terrible and many of them died completely needlessly during the walk thoroung day and night.

This apparently reminded the Choctaw of their own very recent (and much more explicit and bigger scale) experiences of ethnic clensing, where they were forcibly relocated. It was basically a death march and thousands of Choctaw died from the terrible conditions also completely needlessly.

In 2015 a memorial named Kindred Spirits was installed in Southern Ireland to commemorate the Chactow donation.

Then in 2020:

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You Shall Not Pass! A Defensive Protection Spell

If you read the title in Gandalf’s voice, you’re doing it right. You Shall Not Pass! is what I call an “active defensive spell”. It’s a security system. Essentially, it’s a passive, dormant spell that sits an only activates when someone or something happens outside of what you’ve programmed. It’s one of my favorite and most used protection spells ever. This spell can be cast on any object, but…

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A revenge spell for someone who hurt you to the point of breaking your soul and draining your light. Inspired by the song “Tell That Devil” by the Nashville Cast/Jill Andrews. This was designed with a specific person in mind, change it however you see fit.

Items needed:

  • 3 black candles
  • 1 lighter/matches
  • A pinch of pepper seeds (hot peppers preferably)
  • A piece of a fallen hornet’s nest (can usually be found on the ground in autumn)
  • 1 rusty nail
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 writing utensil
  • 1 small vial
  • Something to place burning paper safely
  • A spot of ground that the sunlight doesn’t touch


1. Write the victim’s name on the piece of paper. Place the seeds and hornet’s nest on the paper and fold it up as best you can. Light the three candles.

2. Begin reciting the incantation:

“You broke my soul, you poisoned my light, you blackened my heart. Now you will pay. [Victim’s name], I curse you and send you back to hell. I ask of the devil that he receive you. Feel the pain you have forced upon me tenfold. You will suffer for your evil-doings…”

3. Thrust the rusty nail into the folded paper as many times as you like, just make sure nothing falls out.

“… Feel the coffin nails pierce you…”

4. Light the folded paper on fire with the flames of the candles.

“… Feel the hellfire on your skin…”

5. Place the burning paper in the holder and wait until it is ash. Collect the ashes into the vial. Seal the vial and bury it in the spot of ground you’ve chosen that is never touched by sunlight.

“… And now I bury you in the ground, see you in hell.”


“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
