#tag your oc


If you ever have dreams featuring your OC’s, how do they usually go?

Tag your oc that acts really hardcore, but wears bunny slippers to bed.

You know the one.

Tag your OC whose inspiration/idol is an anime character.

You know the one.

Tag your oc who instantly turns on loud music and starts dancing as soon as their roommate leaves the house.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that dances like a white dad at a barbecue.

You know the one.

Tag your OC who is such a flirt they can’t get anything done.

You know the one.

Tag your oc whose wardrobe is like 90% T-shirts and jeans.

You know the one.

Tag your oc who would probably end up burning their house down while attempting to bake cookies.

You know the one.

Tag your oc that is just a side character but you love almost as much as the protagonists.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that is mostly expressionless and doesn’t display a lot of emotion, but actually understands emotion and empathizes really well.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that has an unwavering willpower.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that is a talent prodigy but completely down to earth.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that should be a professional stand-up comedian.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that has Middle Child Syndrome.

You know the one.

Tag your OC that could be amazing and save the world and still think they’re a piece of shit for any small mistakes they make.

You know the one.

Tag your OC who says they’re going to bed at 11pm but ends up actually putting their phone down at 3am.

You know the one.

Tag your oc that doesn’t understand memes but tries anyway.

You know the one.

Tag your oc that swears way too much.

You know the one.

Tag your oc who would send their friends a text at three in the morning asking if people sneeze when they’re asleep.

You know the one.
