


My best advice for fic writers?

Get thee an enabler.

By that, I mean that you should have a friend who will encourage you to write whatever makes youhappy. 

Self-indulgent stuff you think no one else will like? They’ll devour it. 

You’ve stumbled into a new ship? They’ll send you all the prompts you could ever want.

Every fic writer should have someone like that.



Today, Santa & I made Bloody Marys & Cheeseburgers Merry Christmas everyone! Don’t forget to join me tomorrow over at @mombod-monday-redux.

What’s everyone else doing on the 26th? Let’s see it…


Thanks for the tag @ky-foxy , I hope you made extra cheeseburgers My 26th looks like work, refinishing a room that’s needed it for far too long…also discovering that my blog is mostly inaccessible..thank’s Apple

Tagging@inkedkat32@mightyaphrodite69@nicaliciousxo@swim-girl@cole3184@kawbode .. How’s your post Christmas look?

Thanks for the tag @hotbosssecretrealm You look snuggly the day after Christmas

I took it easy all day and then I sat by the fire and had a couple of glasses of wine to end my day and my very big week.
