#tagging etiquette



The main fandom tags are not, and have never been, a “safe space”. End of story.

(These are the tags from the last post I made about the subject, but tumblr ate the post itself, so it never showed up in the tags. I wanted them to be available still, since I did kinda go off.)

It’s been a while since I’ve checked the #ByaRuki tag here on tumblr. And I wish I didn’t, cause there’s more people against the ship using the tag, than there are fans using it to post content for the ship.

I know we, ByaRuki fans, are at fault for this, for it’s up to us to keep the tag and fandom alive, but it’s not like it’s that difficult to tag as #antibyaruki or byar*ki or any of its variations, if you don’t like it.

It’s annoying to check out the tag of one of your ships to have people saying why they don’t like them. And it’s ABSOLUTELY FINE do dislike something, no one is supposed to like everything (and certainly not what I like) but if I ever say something about the ships I dislike, I should keep in mind that people going through the tag of the ships they like, want to see content produced by people who also like them, not my reasons for disliking them with extensive (and absolutely unnecessary) character analysis.


Thank you. I KNOW RIGHT??? That’s why it’s NOT cannon, most of times considered CRACKSHIPP and why we do write fanfictions and create fanarts for it.

Anyways, this post is just to say that, dislike whatever you want, however you want, but TAG APPROPRIATELY, so people who DO HAPPEN TO ENJOY the thing you dislike, don’t have to lose time scrolling through your gibberish.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


okay! quick lesson for a bunch of you new tumblr users who i’m pretty came here from tiktok!

the tags are for content filtering, not just exposure. the tagging system doesn’t just exist for you to get your post out to as many users as you can. the only time i should see a post that has nothing to do with the tag i’m browsing is if a porn bot made it, and that’s a separate problem.
